Measurement point - fields
There are three types of measurement point fields:
Read only: these are system fields that are filled by the data engine
Configuration items: these are fields whose values can only edit when the measurement point is Inactive
Free changeable fields, which do not affect the processing of data.
General tab
Enter an ID for the measurement point.
Enter a description for the measurement point.
Enter notes (optional). The notes that you enter will be visible to the Planon administrator only.
Measurement point type
Select the type of measurement point. The measurement point types are defined on Configurations & logging > Measurement point types step.
You can differentiate between various measurement point types. Working with a predefined set of measurement point types will enable the sensoring system to better interpret measurements.
For some sensoring systems, the measurement point type is mandatory, in which case it should be made mandatory on the layout in Planon.
Measurement point definition
Select a measurement point definition from the list to which the measurement points should belong.
Indicate the measurement point status (set manually):
Active – the measurement point is operational.
Inactive – the measurement point is not operational.
Occupancy measurement
Occupancy value
Indicates whether the location is occupied.
The occupancy value can be:
0: not occupied
1: occupied
Null: no information received
For more information, see Occupancy measurement.
Passive occupancy
Indicates whether a location is passively occupied:
0: not passively occupied
1: passively occupied
empty: not measured
Person count
The values in this field can either be:
a digit / number: the actual occupancy value
empty: the sensoring system cannot count occupancy
For more information, see Occupancy measurement.
People in (cum.)
Displays the (cumulative) value of the inflow of people.
This field only works for primary measurement points.
For more information, see How people flow works.
People out (cum.)
Displays the (cumulative) value of the outflow of people.
This field only works for primary measurement points.
The values are registered for secondary measurment points, but these are not taken into account by the primary measurement point.
For more information, see How people flow works.
Passive occupied (in min.)
Displays the number of minutes during office hours within the summarization time frame when the location was passively occupied (personal belongings detected).
0 = not passive occupied
1 = is active occupied
Active occupied (in min.)
Displays the number of minutes during office hours within the summarization time frame when the location was actively occupied.
Reading date/time
Displays the latest reading date/time given by the sensoring system. This is the date/time given in the time zone of the sensoring system.
Normalized date/time
Displays the latest normalized reading date/time of the data engine.
The normalized time is the local time calculated by the data engine based on the time zone of measurement point location. If no time zone is provided, the system time of the data engine is used.
The occupancy status is calculated based on the normalized date and time.
Previous occupancy status
Displays the previous occupancy status of the location.
Occupancy status change date-time
Displays the date/time of the last change in the occupancy status (based on normalized reading date-time).
Occupancy status
Displays the status of occupancy of the measurement point.
For more information refer to, Occupancy statuses.
Last polling response
Date time stamp of last polling response received by the measurement point (server time zone).
Pause reason
Displays the reason why a measurement point's occupancy status is put on Pause. This is a read-only field that can only be set by the Data Engine. Its values can be:
Connector inactive
Update next polling/event
Outside working hours
By including the Pause status, the relevant readings can also be viewed.
Displays the person to which the measurement point is linked. See also Linking persons.
This field can only be filled if supported by the sensoring system. See also Occupancy measurement.
Displays the reservation that is currently valid and was created for the location, if applicable.
Environmental measurements
Battery status (voltage)
Displays the battery indication (voltage) received from the connector. The value indicates the status of the sensor's power supply.
If multiple sensors are linked to the measurement point, the lowest battery voltage is returned.
Light intensity (lux)
Displays the luminous intensity or lux (lx) received from the connector.
Carbon dioxide (ppm)
Displays the carbon dioxide level received from the connector. The measurement point's carbon dioxide level is given in parts per million (ppm).
Humidity (%)
Displays the humidity percentage received from the connector.
VOCs (ppb)
Displays the reading for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in parts per billion (ppb).
Noise (dB)
Displays the loudness level received from the connector. The measurement point's loudness level is given in decibel (dB).
Temperature (degrees)
Displays the temperature received from the connector. The measurement point's temperature is given in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, which is determined by the sensoring system.
Power level (kWh)
Displays the power level value received from the connector. The power level indicates the energy usage in kilowatt (kWh).
Radon (pCi/L)
Displays the reading for Radon in picocuries per liter (pCi/L).
One pCi/L equals 37 Bq/m3. If a sensor is measuring Bq/m, the connector needs to convert this value to pCi/L, the unit the Planon application is expecting.
Displays the indoor air quality readings of particles less than 2,5 µm in diameter. The value is given in µg/m3. If there are no particles measured, the value is Null.
Displays the indoor air quality readings of particles less than 10 µm in diameter. The value is given in µg/m3. If there are no particles measured, the value is Null.
Free field 1/3 for vendor specific readings
Displays any vendor specific values collected from the sensoring system. See also Sensoring system data > free fields.
Free measurement field 1/10
Free fields made available for capturing numeric values, e.g. number of particles in a given time frame. This data must be supplied by the sensoring system. Because they are numeric values, they can be summarized and used in analysis.
Measurement point role
Select your measurement point's role, which is more or less synonymous with the function it is going to play.
You can choose from:
Primary A
Occupancy is derived from the measurement point readings.
When you select this role, the Display availability field on the Configuration tab is set to Yes.
Data of all related measurement point roles will be aggregated at this level.
Primary B
Occupancy is derived from the reservation data.
When you select this role, the Display availability field on the Configuration tab is set to No.
Data of all related measurement point roles will be aggregated at this level.
Role that enables you to use a different set of sensors (measuring data other than occupancy). By having this role, you can mix sensors of different vendors.
When you select this role, the Display availability field on the Configuration tab is set to No.
Role for providing auxiliary information. When you select this role, the Display availability field on the Configuration tab is set to No.
Display availability?
Read-only field that indicates whether the measurement point should be taken into account when displaying availability in Kiosk, Room booking panel and Apps.
If set to Yes:
The availability of the related unit will also be determined by the occupancy of the measurement point.
The data is available to Planon Apps, Room booking panel and Kiosk.
When multiple measurement points are linked to the same location, only one is considered the primary measurement point (determined by setting this field Yes.)
Store historical readings
Yes is selected by default. Select No, if you do not want to store historical data on the Details level. A record will not be created in the Measurement point readings list.
If you switch a measurement point from Primary to Supplementary, this field is automatically switched off and made read-only. When switching the measurement point back to Primary or Secondary, readings are enabled by default, but can still be disabled if necessary.
Update during office hours only
Select Yes if you want to update the measurement point linked to a specific location during office hours only. No is selected by default.
If you select Yes, the data engine continues to run, but will not record updates outside office hours.
Store during office hours only
Select Yes if you want to store the measurement point readings during office hours only. No is selected by default.
If you select Yes, the data engine continues to run, but will not store updates outside office hours.
Use for availability?
Indicate whether the measured data should be used to indicate availability in Kiosk or Room booking Panel.
It allows you to indicate per measurement point whether its data should be taken into account for display.
Consequently, it allows you to include or exclude specific measurement points.
Maximum capacity (No.) - [MaximumCapacity]
Enter the maximum occupancy capacity of the location to which you are linking the measurement point.
•    This field is used for utilization calculations.
•    This field is leading when calculating the maximum capacity of a location. See also: Understanding the maximum capacity value
Property / Property zone / Floor / Space / Workspace / Reservation unit / Rentable unit
Select a location to which you want to link the measurement point.
You can only select one location per measurement point.
Time zone
Indicates the time zone of the measurement point.
Select the calendar for the measurement point.
The calendar is important for summarization - it determines the time-frame for conducting measurements.
You can select a specific calendar to be used, deviating from the location's calendar. If you do not select a specific calendar, the location calendar will be used.
Using a separate calendar for measurement points can be important if, for example, you have reservation units with different office hours. When you do, the summarization process will be affected.
Note: data that is already summarized will remain based on the previously configured calendar.
•    By deleting summarized data and subsequently synchronizing again, the summarization will be based on the current calendar.
•    If you delete summarized data, purge all three levels (hours, days, months).
•    You can only summarize anew for the period for which you have summarized readings.
Error monitoring
Error code
Displays the error code that is published by the connector when encountering an error situation for the measurement point (not applicable for API).
Monitor data
Indicate whether you want to enable monitoring logging for the selected measurement point. If you click Yes, the data from the sensoring system is logged in the System feedback field.
System feedback
It displays an error message if the measurement point is Immeasurable. When monitoring is enabled, this field displays all data exchange (response) collected by the data engine.