About Planon Software Suite Administrator’s Guide
WildFly Command line interface
Configuring the login language
Server Hardening
Configure SSL connections
HTTPS communication
Selecting SSL cipher
HTTPS for communication between the application server and the web server
Disabling HTTP for the application server
Database server data encryption
Secure communication with the database server
Protecting against clickjacking
Reverse proxy
Absolute URLs
Hiding detailed login messages
Encrypt database password
Encrypt passwords in Tomcat-users.xml
Secure file locations
Restricting the use of file types
Encoding Planon data in HTML mail merge
Sending Email using SSL
Configuring Planon Self-Service
Application server
Compression default enabled on the web server
Additional Scheduler settings
Garbage collection
Creating a java heap dump for a java process
Creating a thread dump
Restarting the server
Restarting Web server
Port set configuration
Application server
Web server
JAAS login modules
Resetting the Supervisor password
Extending transaction timeout settings
DTAP environment
Multiple application servers - Cache refresh
Changing the Oracle driver
LDAPS configuration
Login configuration with plain password
Login configuration with encrypted password
Microsoft Active Directory configuration
Creating WebDAV folder using Apache Tomcat
Connecting Planon Software Suite to the WebDAV folder
Single Sign-On Planon Web Client
How WAFFLE SSO authentication works
Configuring the web server
Use domain user for the web server service
Apache SPNEGO implementation
How SPNEGO SSO authentication works
Generating a key tab
Setting the Kerberos environment
Amending the Tanuki configuration file
Configuring web server
Planon Web Client configuration
Verify the configuration
Enabling logging
Configuring browsers
Configuring Internet Explorer
Configuring Chrome
Configuring Firefox
Troubleshooting SPNEGO and WAFFLE
Tomcat Keycloack adapter
Keycloak json
Configuring the web server
Planon login module security
Tightening security
Settings overview
Configuring the login module
Frequently asked questions
Secure data access
Handling certificates and keystores
Trusted Services
Configuring a trusted service
Where to configure the application server logging
Web server logs
Where to configure the web server logging
Log lines with carriage returns and line feeds
Audit log for the application server
Security logging
Enabling security logging
Security logging: change file name or location
Logging for anonymization
What is logged?
Tanuki service wrapper configuration
Generic configuration changes
Tanuki for the application server configuration changes
Additional configuration possibilities
Software health check
Data collection