DTAP environment
DTAP stands for Development, Test, Acceptance and Production environment. Planon offers the possibility to mark your installation even if it is not your production installation. This will be visualized in the GUI.
In the application server service configuration file located in ...\Server\tanuki\appserver\conf, add the following parameters.
"Test Environment"
True: The installation is marked as not production. In this case the GUI will display an identifying text
False or not available: The installation is marked as production. No identification
This information can also be retrieved from the SDK

The text that will be displayed in the GUI
Will only be applicable if the notproductionmode=true
If empty, a default text is displayed: “Not production”
By default, Scheduled tasks, Platform apps and user extensions are disabled on first restart of DTA (Development, Test and Acceptance) environments. With next restarts, they will remain activated.
Restoring an environment
What happens when restoring an environment?
1. Typically, when you restore a Production environment to D, T, or A, all scheduled events are disabled:
Platform apps
Scheduled tasks
Disabling these events is done to ensure that Production data is not compromised.
However, a second verification takes place.
2. When restoring an environment in D, T, or A, the Environment description is verified.
If the Environment mode is not production and if the Environment description is equal, the events are not deactivated.
This implies that for the sake of convenience, these events persist and remain functional even after actions such as restarting, rebuilding, restoring, or upgrading the system.
When restoring an environment with the same environment mode from another URL (environment name differs), the apps are set to Inactive.
If the Environment mode is not production and if the Environment description is not equal, the events are deactivated.
Graphically, this is illustrated as follows:Deactivate events?Deactivate events?
In a table, this is illustrated as follows:


Backup to Production
Backup to Production
No equal
Backup to DTA
Backup to DTA
Not equal
WildFly cluster
On-premise customers who have installed a WildFly cluster must ensure that the JGROUPSPING table is emptied when a database is copied from one environment to another. This needs to be done - for example - to prevent the ACC environment connecting to the Prod environment.
For Cloud, this is done automatically when restoring Production to ACC, TEST or DEV, or ACC to TEST etc.