Technical references : Administration : WildFly Command line interface
WildFly Command line interface
The Command Line Interface (CLI) is the management tool for the WildFly application server. It allows users to connect to the application server and execute management operations available through the detyped management model. The CLI is launched using the jboss-cli.bat located in the WildFly bin directory.
For WildFly, all configuration is in the standalone-full.xml, located in …\Server\wildfly-*\standalone\configuration. Use the CLI to update the configuration. The tool can connect online or offline. If you run the tool online, it will indicate when a restart is needed to get the changes applied. The tool also has a GUI interface. Do not forget to set JAVA_HOME, the CLI needs this variable.
Connect offline:
Start the jboss-cli.bat without parameters. Enter the following command:
embed-server -c=standalone-full.xml
If connected start your configuration. Tab completion is supported for all commands and options, i.e. node types and node names, operation names and parameter names.
For connecting online, you need to know the management http port. For more information on this subject, see Port set configuration. You can also find the port in the installation_summary.txt located in \.install4j jboss-cli.bat --connect --controller=localhost:port
Connect online in GUI modes:
jboss-cli.bat --connect --controller=localhost:port --gui
For details on how to use the command line interface check the WildFly administrator’s guide, see Command Line Interface.