Technical references : Administration : Database : Changing the Oracle driver
Changing the Oracle driver
The Suite installer takes care of configuring the Oracle driver for the Oracle version.
In the Suite installer the Oracle version you want to use can be provided. If you want to move to another Oracle version you have to reinstall Planon to update the Oracle driver.
If you do not want to do a fresh install, you can update the driver manually. But keep in mind that this is a manual change.
In case of a major update installation in a future update installation, the old version will be prefilled. You can just enter your new version and the installer will install the proper Oracle driver for you. This manual change is no longer needed.
If you want to change the Oracle version manually you need to change the driver as follows:
1. Start the jboss-cli.bat
2. Run the following command:
/, value="oraclex")
Oracle module.xml
The location of this file is: ..\Server\wildfly-*\modules\system\layers\base\com\oracle\main
1. Update: <module name="com.oraclex" services="export" export="true"/>
2. Save and close the file.
Where oraclex is one of the following values:
oracle8 for Oracle 12.2 and Oracle 18
oracle10 for Oracle 19