Enter a code for the PMFS setting.
*If you work with multiple property sets, for example for different countries, it is recommended to select a code that is unique within the property set(s) involved. The unique code will make it possible to provide field engineers with multiple Add-order URLs on their device.
Enter a name for the setting.
Order date-time
Specify the date-time field by which the orders are sorted on the device.
Planning information
Select the planning information you want to display in the job list:
Start date-time
Start & end date-time
Sign-off required
Select one of the following signing off options: Always on: a sign-off is always required on the job.
Always off: a sign-off is never required on the job.
Sign-off required: the value in the Sign-off required field on the (standard) order is the trigger whether or not a sign off is required.
Engineer's sign-off
Select one of the following options: Always on: engineer's sign-off is always required on the job.
Always off: engineer's sign-off is never required on the job (default setting).
Sign-off required: the value in the Sign-off by engineer required? field on the (standard) order is the trigger whether or not the engineer's sign-off is required.
Sign-off overview
Select the way the sign off overview must be displayed:
as a summary. Basic job information, engineer's comments, labor hours, materials and, if configured, fault handling observations and incomplete work.
as a comprehensive overview, including the information from the summary and also asset information, questionnaires and all maintenance activities.
Time registration
Select a time registration method:
Time tracking
Time registration is based on the start date-time and end date-times of the Travel, Work or Wait actions selected by the field engineer.
Number of hours
Time registration is based on the number of hours entered manually. The engineer provides the date and number of hours/minutes for Travel, Work or Wait. With this setting, AppSuite will not track the time between the start and end date-time of an action.
Refusal of sign-off allowed?
Select Yes if you want users to be able to refuse signing for approval. A Refuse action is displayed on the app's sign-off screen.
Users are required to give a reason for refusing to sign off. See Action and reason configuration (MM and PMFS) for information on configuring action-reason combinations.
Select No to disable this feature.
Asset in job list?
Select Yes if you want to show information on the linked asset in the job list. If no asset description exists, the asset code is displayed.
Extend asset search?
Select Yes to offer field engineers a choice to search assets within the property of the selected job or search assets within the entire building complex. If No is selected, engineers can only search assets in the property registered on the job.
Add request online
Select the Self-Service web definition that must be used to enable the online entering of service requests via the PMFS app. The web definition will enable field engineers to add new jobs online via their PMFS credentials.
See Self-Service Configuration Guide > Adding a service request definition for more information on creating a Service Request web definition.
Use expected arrival date time?
Yes: a menu option is shown on the device where the user can update the expected arrival date time.
No: this option will not be available on the device.
All questions of questionnaires in one screen?
Yes: all questions from all questionnaires of the order are displayed on the device in a single screen.
No: each questionnaire gets a separate screen.
Communication log type for photos/sign-off
Define which user-defined type of the Communication log business object must be used to add photos + signatures.
Communication log type for comments
Define which user-defined type of the Communication log business object must be used to add comments by a tradesperson / engineer (if used in the Tradesperson's comments setting).
Communication log type for PMFS action
Define which user-defined type of the Communication log business object must be used to add PMFS actions.
Communication log type for internal notes
Define which user-defined type of the Communication log business object must be used for internal communication about a specific order / job between the back-office and a field engineer. This communication is displayed on the engineer's device as a 'chat', on the Internal communication summary block, on the maintenance activity summary and on the Internal communication screen. See Communication logs for internal communication.
*Internal communication is related to the order, so the comments are stored in the order's communication log. It is not possible to have internal communication per maintenance activity.
Comment field
Define which comment field should be used to show additional information about the order on the device.
Tradesperson's comments
Define where the engineer's / tradesperson's comments must be logged in the back-office.
Comlog: in a communication log that is added to the order.
Comment: in the Comment field of the order.
CommentString: in the Comments field of the order.
*With the last two options, the engineer’s comments will be added to the existing content of the field with the engineer's name and a date-time stamp.
Telephone number field
Define which phone number field of the person should be used to send to the device as contact information.
Enable real-time updates?
Important: Before enabling real-time updates in a production environment, make sure you functionally test your field services business processes in a test environment. Also see: Real-time updates - implications .
By setting this field to Yes, you allow that data added / changed by field engineers is instantly updated in ProCenter, instead of when they end a job.
Field engineers will still have to synchronize their devices manually, because no data is pushed from the back-office to the mobile devices. The app's Synchronize action will update all job data on the device with the latest back-office data.
Real-time updates ensure that both back-office and field engineers work with accurate job data. As data is continuously synchronized, this will have a minor effect on the performance. Also, some features behave differently when real-time updates are enabled. See for example: Configuring labor hour registration. Should conflicts arise due to changes to the same job data in both ProCenter and AppSuite, which cannot be resolved, the Synchronization background action will fail. These issues must be resolved manually by an application manager.
Enable maintenance activity comments?
Setting that allows engineers to enter comments on individual maintenance activities rather than on the whole job (order). These comments are stored as communication logs on maintenance activities. If you select Yes in this field, the app displays a Comments (activity) card on each maintenance activity and no longer displays the generic Comments (job) card. The setting does not work retroactively.
Activate debug logging
Select the appropriate method for debug logging: Always on, Always off or Device -specific. The device-specific option allows individual field engineers to activate debug communication logs (snapshots) via their device settings.
*Important: only activate this setting at the request of Planon Support! When set to Always on or Device-specific, the setting will start logging user actions and job synchronization moments on the device as a snapshot in JSON format, and then send it to the back-office. The information is stored as Debug snapshot (Order - communication log). The back-office can use the debug snapshots to compare job data on the device with back-office information and to analyze synchronization problems.
Logging level for debug snapshot
If you activate debug logging (see previous row), you can select the level on which debugging communication logs must be created:
Full - all job data is included in the debug snapshot, except images.
Labor only - only labor hour related data is included in the snapshot.
Additional settings
This is a placeholder for additional settings provided by Planon.