Apps : Planon AppSuite : Planon AppSuite - configuration : Configuring labor hour registration
Configuring labor hour registration
Labor hours are by default only finalized and synchronized with the back-office if an engineer selects the Temporary fix, Discontinue or Completed action on the app. However, you may want to allow finalizing the worked labor hours before a job is actually completed. For example, if engineers do not manage to finish their job before the end of the working day and want to continue working on the same job the next day. For such cases, you can configure exceptions to the rule, by allowing finalization of already worked labor hours and synchronization with the back-office.
To configure this, you use the Pause action in the PMFS action configuration TSI. However, because Pause actions should not always lead to a labor hour finalization, you must indicate per Pause action - reason combination, whether this combination should trigger a finalized time registration at the back-office. The following table shows an example of time registration configuration for the Pause action:
Finalize time registration?
End of working day
Break / lunch
No / Not applicable
See Action and reason configuration (MM and PMFS) for more information on action and reason configuration.
By default, the Finalize time registration? setting is set to No / not applicable for all actions. It can only be set to Yes for the Pause action.
If you have the Real-time updates? setting enabled for AppSuite (see Main), the behavior of Finalize time registration? on the Pause action is different, because labor hours will be sent to the back-office as soon as they are created and not just on clicking Pause. With real-time updates enabled, it is recommended to configure the Finalized? field on the Labor hours layout in the Work Orders TSI. When the engineer selects the Pause action, this field will be set to Yes, to inform the back-office that the labor hours are now really finalized. The finalized labor hours become read-only on the AppSuite app. In ProCenter (the back-office), these labor hours will not become read-only by default. If required in your specific configuration, for example because a synchronization must be triggered with an external system, you can apply authorization to make the labor hours read-only.