Apps : Planon AppSuite : Planon AppSuite - configuration : Environmental Health and Safety check
Environmental Health and Safety check
A health and safety (EHS) check can be added to an order. If configured on the order, the engineer will be presented with a Environmental Health and Safety check screen /wizard. See EHS for information on the settings.
The EHS check can consist of:
Risk assessments
Method statements
Permits to work
Based on this information, health and safety checks can either be accepted or rejected.
It is also possible to configure a compulsory Last minute risk assessment (LMRA) on the EHS check. This LMRA is included in the EHS wizard and field engineers will be required to answer the risk assessment questions that are displayed before they are allowed to start work. You can configure 'blocking' answer options that will prevent the job from being picked up / resumed for safety reasons. In Planon, the configuration of last minute risk assessments is based on a questionnaire. See Configuring a 'Last minute risk assessment' questionnaire for more information.
*Planon Live provides a complete Health and safety solution that fully integrates with Planon AppSuite. Users who have implemented Planon solution extensions for health and safety can continue to use these during a transition period. They will be notified well in advance of the expiry date.