Apps : Planon AppSuite : Planon AppSuite - configuration : Environmental Health and Safety check : Configuring a 'Last minute risk assessment' questionnaire
Configuring a 'Last minute risk assessment' questionnaire
You can make it compulsory for engineers to complete a last minute risk assessment (LMRA), before they can start working on a job. If an EHS check is required for a job and the LMRA is included in the wizard, field engineers will be required to answer the risk assessment questions that are displayed. In Planon, the configuration of last minute risk assessments is based on a questionnaire.
The Last minute risk assessment concept links together a questionnaire, internal tradesperson (field engineer), order and several settings which will ensure that this generic assessment is always presented to the field engineers in the EHS wizard before they start / resume work. Subsequently, the answers entered by the engineer in the wizard are sent to the back-office and displayed on the Order subdetails > Answer lines selection step in Work Orders . This procedure explains how you can configure last minute risk assessments:
1. Go to the Questionnaires TSI.
2. Add a questionnaire with the relevant questions and answer options for the Last minute risk assessment.
You can configure 'blocking' answer options that will prevent the job from being picked up / resumed for safety reasons. See the Questionnaires > Answer option fields documentation for more information on configuring mandatory questions and blocking answer options.
Do not link an LMRA questionnaire to a standard order, because this would result in an incorrect work flow. If the back-office creates an order based on this standard order with linked LMRA questionnaire, field engineers are unable to receive an uncompleted LMRA questionnaire in the EHS wizard. Instead, the back-office staff would be required to answer the LMRA questionnaire, which is not intended for them.
3. In the Display of questionnaires in PMFS field, select the Last minute risk assessment option.
4. Go to AppSuite > Order settings.
5. Go to the EHS tab and select the relevant questionnaire in the LMRA questionnaire field.
The LMRA questionnaire is included in the EHS wizard and shown on the mobile device just before an engineer starts the job. When the engineer fills in an LMRA questionnaire there are two possible outcomes. The engineer:
can acknowledge the filled out questionnaire and start the work
has given answers that are blocking the start of the work and therefore has to reject the work
By adding the following selection steps to the relevant layouts in the Work Orders TSI, you enable the back-office to receive the outcome of the LMRA and take the appropriate actions:
the Last minute risk assessments step at Order details
the Answer lines step at Order subdetails