Apps : Planon app : Mobile Configuration : Planon Workplace app - configuration : Configuring 'Reservations' web definitions
Configuring 'Reservations' web definitions
You can customize the standard delivered Reservations web definition to your requirements, by setting page properties for the pages and configuring layouts for the blocks. End users can use the Reservations module on the app to check their previously submitted reservations or to submit a new reservation.
Add / edit a Reservations web definition to enable end users to view their reservation information or add new reservations via their mobile app.
1. Go to Live app > App configuration > Reservations.
2. On the elements panel, select the Reservations web definition, or add a new one via the action panel.
3. In the data section, complete / edit the relevant fields.
4. Click Save.
The Reservation list definition is now created and displayed on the Web definitions panel.
Continue to specify the web definition’s settings. For a description of the fields, refer to Reservations web definition fields.
5. Click Save.
The Reservations web definition is added.
6. Proceed by linking user groups via the action panel and configuring the various pages and blocks on the bottom panel.
The Reservations web definition consists of a Start page and several configurable subpages. These pages include several blocks where most configuration actions can be executed:
At Start page, select whether or not to Allow TMS card?, at Page properties. This page also includes My reservations block, the Reservation unit action block and the Location page. Here you can:
configure the titles of the page / tabs;
determine the sequence in which they are displayed using the Position field;
configure a Fixed filter, for example to only show specific types of spaces;
change labels of fields, etc.
My reservations summary page, with an All reservations block.
My reservation details page, which includes the Submit request and Adjust actions. The page also includes a Reservation details block where you can add relevant fields to the details page.
Workspace unit list page with a Search block, Mandatory filters, Optional filters, 'Available favourite workspaces' block and Available workspaces block.
•    On the Available workspaces block block, use the Floors field to configure which floors should be available on the app, both in the list as on the floor plan.
•    If you apply a fixed filter to the Available workspaces block, this filter applies to both the list and the floor plan view on the app.
For more information on configuring the Filter block and quick filters , see: Configuring 'Optional filters' on a Reservations web definition .
Workspace summary page with a Workspaces block and Facilities block. To display Available facilities on the Workspace summary page on the app, select Yes in the Is visible field on the Facilities block.
Space unit list page with Search block, Mandatory filters, Optional filters, 'Available favourite space units' block and Available space units block. See also: Configuring 'Optional filters' on a Reservations web definition for more information.
Space unit summary page with Space unit block, Today's schedule block, Facilities block and Reported orders block: To display Available facilities on the Space unit summary page on the app, select Yes in the Is visible field on the Facilities block.
•    The Today's schedule block will show end users all reservations that were already made for the selected space unit, for the current date. You can make this list more specific by configuring a fixed filter on this block.
•    For every block in the Reservations module, you can configure an icon that can be displayed in the header of the block in the Planon Workplace app .
It is recommended to display start and end date-times in the time zone of the property, rather than that of the logged-in user. You can configure this on details blocks, by adding date-time fields of the Planon field type property date-time (system name DateTimeProperty) to the layout of the relevant details block. Date-time fields showing the logged-in user's timezone are best removed from the app layout. These can be recognized by Planon field type transaction date-time (system name: DateTimeTransaction).
•     For generic information about configuring PSS2-based web definitions, see the Web configuration user documentation in the WebHelp: Web Configuration – Overview.
•    For information about customizing a web definition in App Configuration see Planon App web definitions.