Apps : Planon app : Mobile Configuration : Planon App web definitions
Planon App web definitions
Planon administrators can configure the standard delivered web definitions in the Planon App to create customized app environments for their app users, such as the Planon Workplace app - or the PMFS Live app .
The following procedure outlines the generic steps for a web definition's configuration. The Reservations module is used as an example. However, the configuration options available for different pages and blocks can vary considerably.
For generic information about configuring PSS2-based web definitions, see the Web configuration user documentation in the WebHelp.
You need a specific solution license for (combinations of) Planon app modules. The user group(s), that you link to a web definition, must also be linked to the solution license, for the link to take effect.•    To be able to configure the web definitions of the Planon Workplace app , Planon administrators require Solution License APP100S - Planon Workplace App.
•    For the PMFS Live app they require Solution license APP 200S. A solution license can be linked to an administrator's user account in the Accounts navigation group at: User groups > User group details > Solution licenses.
•    In case of the Assets module, the Planon Mobile Asset Manager license is required.
1. In ProCenter, go to Live app > App configuration.
2. Select the relevant module, for example Reservations.
3. Select an existing Reservations web definition or add a new one.
4. On the General tab of the web definition, enter a code, description, icon and navigation names in the applicable languages.
These navigation names are the names used to label the modules on the app.
5. If the General tab includes additional fields, fill in these as well.
Example: fields in which you can link standard orders to a web definition.
6. At the bottom of the web definition panel, expand the web definition's tree and select the Page or Block you want to configure.
7. If you select a page, enter an appropriate title on the Page properties panel and make a setting to allow or prohibit TMS cards for this page.
8. If you select a block, make additional settings on the data panel, by configuring fixed filters, adding fields, limiting the number of rows, choosing icons, adding selectors and making other settings with regard to the display of results or information.
For the convenience of the app user, try to avoid the screen from becoming too 'crowded'. Only add the most relevant fields to blocks, such as Code and Description, and relevant reference fields. Most blocks in the Planon app have a limit on the number of fields, which cannot be exceeded. For example: with most List blocks, Search blocks and Overview blocks, the maximum is 6 fields (such as the My reservations block in the Reservations module, or the search blocks and list blocks in the Assets module). The Add form block in the Request forms module has a maximum of 15 fields.
9. Click Save.
Your web definition's configuration is finalized and will be shown on the mobile app.
10. On the action panel click Link user group to link your web definition to the appropriate user group.