Document fields
Enter a code to identify the document.
Enter a name to identify the import/export document.
Import/export definition*
Select an Import-Export definition that was defined at the Import-Export definitions level.
Template for secure document file
Upload the template file that was created in SDI configuration.
Secure document file
Upload the data sheet for onboarding data.
When you use 'secure documents' as your source documents, you can leave the Data source empty. When you do so, both post-processing fields will be disabled.
Data source
Enter the path and file name to the data source to be processed.
For import, this is the source file. For export, this is the target file.
For example, C:\My documents\Person.xml.
It is also possible to read multiple files during import.
For more information, see Reading multiple files.
The location specified here must be accessible by the application server (and, therefore, by the account that started the application server).
For more information on specifying the data source, see Data source.
In addition to absolute path names (such as C:\My documents\Person.xml), you can also use relative path names.
If the Enterprise Talk root setting is set, this folder is used to locate the data source.
If the Enterprise Talk root setting is empty, the location should be relative to the Server\tanuki\appserver\bin folder

For more information, see the example in Using the Enterprise Talk root folder.
If there are multiple documents available in the list, indicate the order in which the documents should be processed.
For example: first import the properties and subsequently the personnel that are linked to these properties.
Document suffix date time format
Enter a valid date/time format that should be appended as suffix to the file name mentioned in the Data source field.
If the format is incorrect, an error message is displayed.
For example,
Enter the file name in Data Source as C:\MDocs\person.xml.
Select Yes in the Export unique file field.
Enter YYYY as suffix format in the Document suffix date time format field.
Click Save.
You can preview the unique file name of the exported document in the Unique file example field as person_2022.xml.
This file format helps you to generate unique file names (in xml, csv and other allowed formats) during export of documents.
For more information about the suffix formats, see Appendix.
Export unique file*
Select Yes to activate the unique file name feature.
Unique file example
Displays the document file format example as defined in the above fields.
For example, person_2022.xml, where person.xml is the file name to which 2022 is appended as the suffix.
Post-process policy for import
Specify the post-process policy for import.
This policy only works when using the Data source field and not for the Secure document file field.
Select one of the following options:
Keep the successfully processed files in the same location (default): If you select this option, the files, once imported, are not marked nor moved. The imported files remain in the same location.
Move the successfully processed files to a different location: If you select this option, the files, once imported, are compressed in a zip file and moved to a new location.
Delete the successfully processed files: If you select this option, the files for a document, once imported, are deleted.
If any of the files to be deleted is locked, the process skips the current file and tries to delete the next file in the list.
Post-process file location
Specify a folder where the processed file must be saved.
In addition to absolute path names (such as C:\My documents\Talk), you can also use relative paths.
When the Enterprise Talk root setting is set, this folder is used to locate the post-process file location.
•    This works the same as with the Data source field. For more information, see the example in Using the Enterprise Talk root folder.
•    When using an absolute path name, you cannot use WebDAV locations. However, it is possible to specify a WebDAV folder in the Enterprise Talk root setting.
For more information about this setting, see File locations (System Settings).
Post-process policy for failed import
Specify the post-process policy for failed import. This policy allows you to determine what to do with failed files.
•    This policy only works when using the Data source field and not for the Secure document file field.
•    This policy is not applicable for SDI/Data onboarding definitions.
Select one of the following options:
Keep the processed files in the same location: If you select this option, the failed files remain in the same location.
Move the processed files to a different location (default): If you select this option, the failed files are compressed in a zip file and moved to a new location.
Delete the processed files: If you select this option, the failed files are deleted.
If any of the files to be deleted is locked, the process skips it and tries to delete the next file in the list.
Post-process file location for failed import
Specify a folder were the failed file must be saved.
You can specify a relative path or an absolute path or an Amazon S3 bucket location - if data storage is configured.
Reference date
When a date is entered, all life cycles and reference date aware BOs will be added (BeginDate) with this date (see Specifying the reference date). Consequently, if this field is set, the begin dates in the input file will be ignored. If the field is empty, the begin date is taken from the input file (see Importing on a reference date).
When a date is entered, life cycles and reference date aware BOs active on this date are exported (see Specifying the reference date). When the field is empty, all life cycles and reference date aware BOs are exported (see Exporting with or without a reference date).
Fetch size
Specify the number of items to split up the document in chunks to prevent a transaction time out. A chunk can be a number of main elements or files. Per Enterprise Talk document, the specified number of items will be processed as separate transactions within the same run.
Default value: 1000
Minimum value: 100
Maximum value: 10,000
If the main elements contain several subelements, you should take this into account and adjust the fetch size value accordingly.
Here, you can determine whether your document should be included in the import/export run.
If you click Yes, it will be included in the run. Clicking No will exclude it from the run.
This feature is useful when using a definition with multiple documents. It enables you to test/run a single document (by disabling others) or to exclude a single document (by disabling it).
Auto-approve confirmation answer?
Indicate whether to automatically accept or reject confirmation messages that occur when running an import.
By default, Enterprise Talk answers all confirmations with No.
If Approved messages has been configured, this takes precedence over Auto-approve confirmation answer?.