Importing on a reference date
The start date specified in the XML is overruled by the date specified on the Enterprise Talk document. This has implications for two specific cases for Enterprise Talk:
Business objects containing life cycles
If your import file contains multiple life cycles, only a single life cycle (the last one in the XML) will be imported with the date as specified on the Enterprise Talk document.
Business objects containing reference date aware data
If your import file contains multiple occurrences of a reference data aware business object, only one occurrence (the last one in the XML) will be imported with the date as specified on the Enterprise Talk document.
The start date of a contract can only be adjusted when the contract is not active. If you cannot change a value in the UI, you cannot change it by using Enterprise Talk.
If in a space, values must be updated via the Space usage BO and the start date of a space usage cannot be adjusted in the UI, it can neither be done by using Enterprise Talk.