Specifying the reference date
There are various ways in which you can specify the reference date.
By specifying a specific date on the Documents level by using the Reference date field's date picker.
If you specify a specific date, the export will display data that is valid for the date specified. When importing, the date is used as a start date for the imported business objects (only if reference or life cycle aware).
By using a date macro in the Reference date field on the Documents level.
By using the &Date macro, you can export/import data that is valid on a specific date relative to the current date. This macro can be used in combination with date-related secondary arguments (for example: &Date &Y). Time-related macros are not supported.
The &Date macro is a new type of macro that is only valid for Enterprise Talk.
For more information on macros or secondary arguments, see Fundamentals.
By not specifying a date in the definition.
If you do not specify a date, your export will contain all data, including all life cycle entries. Similarly, for reference date aware business objects, all occurrences will be exported.