Reading multiple files
This feature allows you to read data from multiple files at the same time via a single import definition. This way you can avoid creating separate definitions for running each file individually. File types such as xml, csv, xls, xlsx are supported.
Reading multiple files can be done by executing below two steps:
1. Select a wild card character * or ? to be used in the file names.
The '*' can be used for multiple characters and the '?' for a single character.
For example,
When there are a lot of files matching a part of the file name mentioned in the Data Source field, the oldest file is read first and the same process continues.
For example,
Modified Date Time
22-07-2012 12:00:02:20
22-07-2012 12:00:02:10
22-07-2012 12:00:02:05
Here, Person11.xml file will be read first.
2. Use FetchFilesWorker, to read the (multiple) files.
For more information, refer to FetchFilesWorker.
For more information on the Data source field during import/export definition, refer to FetchFilesWorker.