Using the Enterprise Talk root folder
In Enterprise Talk you can point to your data source file by using absolute path names (such as C:\My documents\Person.xml). However, in some situations, using absolute path names does not work or limit the functionality (disable the use of WebDAV folders). This section explains how you can use relative path names to refer to your data source.
If the Enterprise Talk root setting (System Settings) is set, this folder is used to locate the data source.
If the Enterprise Talk root setting is empty, the location should be relative to the Server\tanuki\appserver\bin folder
The following table explains how this works. The value Data source field is: ..\..\Talk\person.xml
Enterprise Talk root
Data source location
When using an absolute path name, you cannot use webDAV locations. However, it is possible to specify a webDAV folder in the Enterprise Talk root setting.
For more information about this setting, see System Settings.
When going from fixed, or relative file locations in Talk to an absolute Enterprise Talk root folder (for example a WebDAV location):
Set the absolute location in the Enterprise Talk root folder in File locations (System Settings).
Then change all folders and file locations in Talk to relative folders.