About Connect for AutoCAD
Prerequisites for Connect for AutoCAD
Enabling single sign-on
Connect for AutoCAD - Concepts
Move box
Planon ProCenter connectivity
Property set
Reference data in Connect for AutoCAD
Rentable units
Working with Connect for AutoCAD
Working with the palette
Keyboard actions on the palette
Modifying field values
Creating filters
Creating mapping
Specifying a text insertion point
Clearing a text insertion point
Converting polylines into Planon ProCenter entities
Linking a net polyline to a gross polyline
Removing Planon ProCenter data from a polyline
Copying data from a space to person or asset
Copying data from persons or assets to a space
Loading Planon ProCenter data
Updating the reference data in a drawing
Synchronizing the entities location from Planon ProCenter
Moving entities
Creating a new move box
Adding entities to a move box
Viewing and deleting contents of a move box
Filtering entities in a move box
Adding entities from a move box to a drawing
Loading a move box with entities from Planon ProCenter
Copying entities
Inserting entities into a drawing
Updating space data blocks
Managing assets by filtering on classification group
Analyzing drawings
Deleting Planon ProCenter data (Purging)
Configuring settings
General settings
Adding and sorting fields
Highlighting the selected entity
Mapping settings
Settings for inserting persons or assets
Settings for moving persons or assets
Settings for synchronization logs
Settings for default asset filters
Commands in Connect for AutoCAD
Connect for AutoCAD – Field Descriptions
Synchronize assets locations fields
General settings fields
Mapping setting fields