Rentable units
A rentable unit is (a part of) a property that can be leased or subleased as an undividable entity. A rentable unit is always linked to a property. A rentable unit can be a hierarchical element.
In Planon ProCenter, the Rentable Unit Management TSI enables you to register and manage rentable units.
Rentable units you have registered in the Rentable Unit Management TSI can be linked to a (lease) contract in the Contract Management TSI.
A maximum of two levels can be defined.
There are two types of rentable units:
Rentable units rented out to another party – Rent to
Rentable units rented from another party – Rent from
Connect for AutoCAD supports both the Rent to and Rent from types of rentable units.
The life cycle concept enables you to keep track of changes that have been made to a rentable unit in the course of time.