Core TSIs : Reservations : Working with the new Reservations TSI and planboard : Adding reservation units to the reservations planboard
Adding reservation units to the reservations planboard
All available reservation units are displayed on the reservations planboard. You can also add new reservation units such as Space units, asset units, and Flexible workspaces and subsequently create reservations for them.
1. Go to Reservations > Filters.
2. Click Add space units / Add asset units / Add flexible workspaces on the action panel.
3. In the data section, enter data in the relevant fields. For a description fields see:
In the reservation unit fields, you can specify a transition period in the Transition period in minutes field for all reservation units. Additionally, in the Desk configuration field, you can specify the desk configuration to filter space units on.
4. Click Save.
You have now added a reservation unit. You can also copy, delete or archive reservation units.