Apps : Planon app : Mobile Configuration : Planon App web definitions : Linking user groups to web definitions / granting access to modules
Linking user groups to web definitions / granting access to modules
You can grant users access to specific modules on the Planon Live app by linking their user group to a relevant configured web definition. See User access to mobile app modules for the concept behind access to web definitions.
Before linking a user group, make sure that it is correctly configured in the Authorization TSI. See the Authorization user documentation for more information.
1. On the navigation panel, go to Live app > App configuration.
2. Select the tab that includes the web definition you want to link to a user group.
for example the Reservations tab with a reservations web definition (the name of the web definition depends on your configuration).
3. Select the web definition.
4. On the action panel, select Link user group.
The Link user group dialog box opens.
5. Select and move the relevant user group(s) to the In-use section.
Examples: the Planon Workplace app modules require a user group that includes requestors (people who are allowed to book rooms / desks and submit requests). The Assets module may require a linked user group of maintenance engineers.
6. Click OK.
The dialog closes. Only users who belong to the linked user group(s) will be able to access the corresponding module on the Planon Live app.