Apps : Planon app : Mobile Configuration : PMFS Live app - Assets module configuration : Configuring the Asset 'Summary' page & blocks
Configuring the Asset 'Summary' page & blocks
You can add different subdefinitions for different types of assets (user-defined assets). This allows you to create layouts for these assets on the app. See the procedure at the bottom of this topic.
An Assets sub web definition consists of a:
Summary page with several information blocks, details pages and details blocks. These are designed to display detailed information about an asset on the app.
On the Summary page > Actions tab, you can set the Is visible field to Yes to show the following end user actions at the top of the mobile screen:
Request: icon for adding service request
Add subasset:
Additionally, some tabs are included that can be configured to allow end users to add data. The following list outlines which blocks / tabs can be configured:
tab to add a subasset
tab to add a standard subasset
general information
asset locations
the Asset locations details page and block display the location of an asset on the app. If the asset it is a multiple (non-simple) asset, the app displays the number of assets and the number of different locations. Tapping the location details will reveal all locations of the multiple asset to the app user.
communication logs (asset-related documents / images)
BIM functionality
asset components
Some summary blocks, such as Asset locations, Orders, Hazards, Meter readings and Asset components, are lists of items. If many lists are configured on the app, this requires a lot of scrolling by app users. You can prevent this by configuring these blocks as micro blocks. See Configuring summary blocks as micro blocks on the app for the procedure.
Most configuration can be done in the same way as described for Self-Service (PSS2) web definitions. However, some blocks include specific settings and configurable fields. These are briefly explained below.
For generic information about configuring PSS2-based pages, blocks and fields, see the Web configuration user documentation in the WebHelp.
1. In ProCenter, go to Live app > App configuration > Assets.
2. Select the Mobile - Assets web definition you want to configure.
3. On the action panel, click Add sub to add a sub web definition.
a sub web definition must be created for a specific user-defined asset. For example: an M&E asset (Mechanical & Electrical asset).
4. From the Business object definition dialog, select the user-defined asset for which you are creating the sub web definition.
5. Enter a code, description and navigation name for the sub web definition.
6. Click Save.
At the bottom of the web definition panel, you will now see the whole subdefinition tree with multiple blocks and details pages.
7. Select relevant pages or blocks and:
make settings for page titles / block titles, display of images, icons or TMS cards.
add fields and set field properties
configure fixed filters
The BIM model details block is blank, because it does not contain any configurable fields or other settings.
8. Save your settings.