Adding activity definition workers
Workers are applications designed to create specific adaptations for an activity definition and/or its associated details. While some workers are provided by Planon, customers or partners can also implement their custom PaaP apps.
The following workers are available for the Activity planner:
• Deterioration curve-based planning: DeteriorationCurvePlanning.
You can link the appropriate activity definition to a corresponding worker. The workers can be executed manually or scheduled for automated execution.
You can register workers on the standard activity definition. This enables you to automatically apply them to activity definitions.
1. Go to the Activity planner TSI > Details selection level, click Activity definition worker.
2. On the action panel, click Add.
3. Enter the required information on the data panel.
For information on field descriptions, see
Activity definition worker fields | The settings of the class name of the worker becomes visible. The settings are defined in JSON-format, but can also be shown as normal fields by clicking View code. |
4. Edit the settings as required.
5. Click Save.
6. On the action panel, click Execute activity definition worker to run the worker, or schedule this action for future execution, using the Alerts TSI.