Predictive-based planning
If you need a scheduling method based on assets reaching a certain, predefined 'consumption' (for example based on the number of operational hours, kilometers etc), you can schedule predictive maintenance. To be able to work with predictive maintenance, it is necessary to regularly enter counter readings in the Meters TSI for the relevant assets. With these counter readings, the asset's consumption can be calculated.
The Predictive-based planning worker can be used to plan activity definitions based on counter readings. This worker has the following settings:
Consumption threshold: The amount of consumption after which the next execution of the activity should be planned.
Counter definition: The counter definition of the counter to be used.
Counter: The counter to be used.
Execution of this worker can be scheduled using the Alerts TSI with the alert condition Classname Contains Predictive-based planning.
Based on the meter readings and the estimated consumption of the meter, Planon calculates the period needed to reach the consumption entered in the settings. The next planned activity is moved to the planned date of the last generated order + the calculated period. See Preparing predictive-based planning.
An activity definition has a start date of 01-01-2024. A worker is added with counter = Meter A and with a threshold of 6,000 an estimated consumption of 1,200 per year.
Based on the estimated consumption, the threshold 6,000 is reached in 5 years. Calculated in days, this is converted to 365 x 5 = 1,825 days. The next planned activity is moved to 30-12-2028 and then every 1,825 days.