Copy replacement costs worker
The Copy replacement costs worker can be added to an activity definition, to automatically create expected activity costs, based on the replacement costs of the asset. This worker has the following settings:
Description: The description for the activity costs to be created.
Index percentage: The index percentage for the activity costs to be created.
Long-term index: The long-term indexation for the activity costs to be created.
VAT / tax tariff: The VAT / tax tariff for the activity costs to be created.
You need create an action definition in the Alerts TSI and in the Alert condition you need to create a new condition based on business object Activity Definition Worker with a filter on the field Classname Contains Copy Replacement Cost Worker.
This worker will create a new general activity costs record, if all following conditions are met:
A general activity costs record with the description from the settings does not exist yet.
The activity definition is related to an asset.
The Replacement costs and Replacement quantity fields on the asset are filled in in the Assets TSI. See Asset fields.