Linking standard orders
You can link a default standard order or - if required - multiple additional standard orders to a web definition (service request). The functionality of adding multiple, additional standard orders to a web definition will save you the trouble of having to configure a web definition for every individual standard order.
| • For the Web Client’s Service Desk it is necessary that each web definition refers to a standard order. This ensures that the standard orders are shown on the Add panel and enables service desk employees to create the actual service requests. • If you add the Standard order field to the Add block or Edit block of your Service request definition, a special selector is automatically added to the web definition. For more information on the functionality of this special selector, see Service request - configuration fields. |
1. Go to Web definitions > Service Requests.
2. On the action panel, click Add Service request.
3. On the Service calls step select a service call for which you want to link the standard orders.
4. On the Service Request node, complete the relevant fields in the data section. For a description of these fields, refer to Service request definition. The conditions that apply when linking additional standard orders are:
◦ The user-defined type of the additional standard requests must be identical to the default standard request.
◦ The questionnaires linked to the additional standard requests must also be identical.
5. Click Save.