Editing a language file
After exporting a language file, you can edit the text as required.
1. Open the file in a text editor and edit the text of translation keys that you want to change (all status 0 strings, for example).
After editing translation keys in status 0 (not translated) or in status 2 (user translated), you must manually change their status to 1 (Planon translated) in order for your changes to take effect when you import the language file
2. Subsequently save your changes to the language file (Save As > provide a meaningful name that uniquely identifies the file).
Before you import the language file, click Check language file on the action panel to check the language file for errors. If any errors are found the import is canceled and the errors are listed in Log viewer. For details, see Checking a language file.
When editing a language file, you can only amend the status and/or the translatable text. See Translation key.