Application management : Configuration : Translations : Translating the application
Translating the application
Technically, the Planon application consists of a number of 'layers' that each require a different solution for translation:
Application translations
The core translations consist of system labels that are used to translate the basic application (TSIs, business objects, field names, actions, levels, steps, etc.).
The translations for these items can be exported/imported via Languages.
The configuration layer consists of configured items that can be translated (navigation panel, bars, tabs, etc.).
The translations for these items can be exported/imported via Enterprise Talk (This requires specific export- & import definitions).
Web forms/Mobile apps consists of translations for web definitions created by using Web configuration.
The translations for these items can be exported/imported via Languages.
All layers may contain customer-specific translations (customizations for layouts, navigation panels, field names, etc.).
Translating the application
To add a new language to the Planon application you should:
1. Export a language file to serve as the source language file.
2. Translate the labels in that file into the new language.
3. Amend the header to fit the new language.
4. Export the Web forms translations (PSS) and translate the labels.
5. Export the XML file, translate the labels in the XML file
6. Import the