Linking space(s) using the split action
To add space(s) to a neighborhood using the Split action, proceed as follows:
1. Go to Spaces.
2. Select the space(s) that you want to link to a neighborhood.
If you want to perform an action on multiple spaces simultaneously, you can use Action on selection.
The start date of the selected space(s) must be equal to or later than the start date of the neighborhood. If the space(s) start date is earlier than the neighborhood start date, the new space(s) is created by using split action.
3. Go to Workspaces & space data > Space usage.
4. On the action panel, click Split.
The Enter values dialog box appears.
5. By default, the reference date is selected in the Split date field. To select another date, click Select a date button and select the required date in the date picker on which the modification is to become effective. Click OK.
A new space is created with the latest Start date.
6. Select a neighborhood in the Neighborhood field and modify the required Space usage field(s).
For more information on space usage fields(s), see Space usage fields (Spaces and workspaces).
7. Click Save.
The Question dialog box appears.
8. Select Yes, if you want to change this space to a shared space or select No and click Proceed.
The space(s) is/are linked to a neighborhood.