Ending floors
You can end a floor if it no longer exists in the building or if you want to exclude it temporarily from any building related activities. Ending a floor also implies ending the spaces / active workspaces on that floor. Once the floor is ended, it will no longer appear in any pop-ups where you can select a floor. You cannot import a floor once it is ended.
The Floor attributes > Active field indicates whether a floor is active. Yes indicates that the floor is available and No indicates that the floor is not available.
1. In Spaces & Workspaces , select the property in which you want to end a floor.
2. Go to the Components selection level.
3. On the Floors selection step, select the floor you want to end.
4. Go to the Spaces selection level and end all the spaces linked to that floor using Action on selection.
For more information on how to end spaces, see Ending spaces.
The End date of a space must be on or before the End date of the floor.
5. After ending the spaces, go to Space details > Workspaces.
6. End all the workspaces linked to the floor, using Action on selection.
7. Go back to Components > Floors.
8. On the action panel, click End Floor.
9. In the Enter values dialog box, specify the End date on which you want to end the floor.
The End date must be on or after the End date of the spaces.
10. Click OK.
The floor is ended.