Ending spaces
In Spaces & Workspaces , you can end a space. Ending a space also ends the associated space dimensions, space usages, occupancies. Any future space dimensions, space usages and occupancies are also deleted. Workspaces must be ended separately.
1. Go to Spaces.
2. Select a space that you want to end.
3. On the action panel, click End space.
4. In the Enter values dialog box, enter a date in the End date field on which you want to end the space.
If there are occupancies and assets linked to the selected space(s), a warning message will display the number of occupancies and linked assets.
5. Click Proceed to end the space or Cancel to cancel the operation.
The space is ended and the associated space dimensions, space usages and occupancies are ended simultaneously.
If you want to end multiple spaces simultaneously, you can select them and use the Action on selection option in the data section.