Core TSIs : Spaces and workspaces : Neighborhoods : Neighborhoods - Field descriptions
Neighborhoods - Field descriptions
Neighborhood fields
Enter a code for the neighborhood.
Enter a description for the neighborhood.
Start date
Select the start date of the neighborhood.
End date
Select the end date of the neighborhood.
Neighborhood type
Select the type of neighborhood from the list.
For example: Quiet working, Project working, Team based, and so on.
Linked space details
Displays the spaces linked to a neighborhood.
Linked workspace details
Displays the workspaces linked to a neighborhood.
CAD viewer color
Select the CAD viewer color from the list. When the CAD integrator is selected the linked spaces and workspaces are highlighted on the floor with the selected color in this field.
Fixed capacity
The fixed capacity is the sum of (the space usage of a space is assigned to the neighborhood where shared is set to No and the assignable is set is Yes) and (the workspace details are assigned to the neighborhood where shared is set to No).
This field displays the value of the fixed capacity.
If the space doesn’t have a space type or the assignable is not set to Yes, the capacity will not be counted for Neighborhood.
Shared capacity
The shared capacity is the sum of (the space usage of a space is assigned to the neighborhood where shared is set to Yes and assignable is set is Yes) and (the workspace details are assigned to the neighborhood where shared is set to Yes).
This field displays the value of the shared capacity.
Actual neighborhood capacity
The numerical value in this field represents the sum of fixed capacity and shared capacity.
Adjusted neighborhood capacity
The calculated numerical value in this field represents the adjusted capacity based on the target employee to desk ratio. The formula for the calculation is: (Shared capacity*Target employee to desk ratio) + Fixed capacity.
Actual employee to desk ratio
The calculated numerical value in this field represents the average number of people that are currently assigned to the one desk/workspace within a neighborhood. The formula for the calculation is: Headcount assigned to shared capacity / Shared capacity.
Target employee to the desk ratio
Enter a value (count) of people planned to assigned to a desk/workspace.
Headcount assigned to fixed capacity
Displays the value of the headcount assigned as fixed capacity.
Headcount assigned to shared capacity
Displays the value of the headcount assigned as shared capacity.
Number of linked spaces and workspaces
The numerical value in this field represents the sum of spaces and workspaces linked to a neighborhood.
The numerical value in this field represents the availability count of a neighborhood. The formula for the calculation is: Adjusted neighborhood capacity - Total occupancy count.
The calculation of this value depends on the Target employee to the desk ratio, if this field is empty the calculation will be wrong.
Total occupancy count
The calculated numerical value in this field represents the sum of occupancy rates of all the occupancy records assigned to a neighborhood.