Workspace details fields
Cost center
Select a cost center for the workspace.
Select the department to which the workspace belongs.
End date
This field is updated if a new move to the workspace is selected on a Person move line.
Max. occupancy %
Enter the maximum allowed occupancy percentage of the workspace. If the Workspace capacity field is filled, the value in this field is automatically calculated. The formula for the calculation is: Workspace capacity*100.
It is possible to overpopulate, or underpopulate workspaces.
Select the neighborhood to which the workspace belongs. This reference field is editable.
Displays the space where the workspace is located.
Start date
Displays the start date of the selected workspace.
Surface area
Enter the area value for the workspace. This value can also be populated by CAD Import.
Tariff group
Select a tariff group for the workspace.
Displays the selected workspace.
Workspace capacity
Displays the Max. occupancy % value as a whole number (not as a percentage). If the Max. occupancy % is filled this field is populated with a value that is automatically calculated. The formula for the calculation is: Max. occupancy %/100.
Workspace type
Select a workspace type from the list. This information is derived from the Workspace types created in Supporting data .
For more information refer to Supporting data .