Saving a service request as draft
If you are interrupted while entering a service request, you can save it as a draft and continue your data entry later.
1. Select the relevant service request on the Add panel.
An Add form is displayed.
2. Click on the Save as draft button to save the form as a draft.
The draft is saved with all the fields that were filled in automatically or filled in by you. The saved drafts are displayed on the Drafts panel below the View panel.
Any files or images added to the call are not saved in the draft. They will be removed.
3. Click on the saved draft to retrieve it. The Add form is displayed.
4. Click on the Submit button when you have finished with the draft, to add the service request.
Click on the Update draft button to save it again as draft, but with additional data.
Click on the Delete draft button to entirely remove the draft.