Backfilling data
Backfill: if device data is not sent to or received by Planon IoT, this data can be supplemented afterwards. Reasons for not receiving data can be numerous: Internet outage, gateway malfunction,...
1.Data is sent by the sensoring system (physical devices) to Planon IoT Devices.
2.The digital twin in Planon IoT interacts on the (raw) data that is now stored and uses that to calculate datapoints.
3.In the Planon application, the AWM connector retrieves the data from the digital twin, which is used to fill measurement points and perform summarization.
Consequently, whenever data is missing, these three areas could require a data backfill.
To prevent data loss, some sensoring vendors already have mechanisms in place that ensure that missing data is stored and backfilled.
Some sensoring vendors do store the data (up to a certain point), but do not have a backfilling mechanism.
For this situation, app developers can build an app in the Planon application that enables users to backfill missing data (via an API to the vendor system).
The data that needs to be supplied in order to trigger a backfill is vendor specific, hence these apps are vendor specific.
1. When a ConnectFor app is installed and activated that supports backfill functionality, the IoT Gateway settings will have a Backfill IoT readings action.
2. When clicking this action, you will be prompted to provide the settings required for the backfill.
3. After completing the required data and clicking OK, the backfill is started (not as a background action).
The data is retrieved and stored in the Planon IoT Devices.
Performance-wise, it is assumed that only one or two days of data will be backfilled, rather than months.
Please note that the digital twin and the AWM connector currently do not support backfilling.