Planon IoT : Planon IoT : About Planon IoT : Digital twins : Backfilling digital twin
Backfilling digital twin
Once the device backfill is completed, you can proceed to backfill the digital twin.
When device data is missing from the digital twin, this data gap may be visually apparent as shown in the following image.
Missing data
Backfilling ensures that this missing data can be retrieved and filled into the system later, allowing for continuous and accurate data collection.
In order to properly backfill digital twins, the first step is to backfill devices. Either the sensor manufacturer has automatic ways to do so, or you must initiate this via the ConnectForApp.
Backfilling of digital twins is based on the combination of Digital Twin definition and Property. In other words, you can backfill digital twins for a building based on the selected digital twin definition.
You can only backfill digital twins when the following requirements are met:
IoT Platform Settings
App Status (use case App)
Backfill digital twin action
Planon provides use cases out-of-box, but also as Digital Twin apps. If the App is inactive, backfilling cannot be processed, even if the IoT settings are enabled.
1. Make sure all devices have the data present for the time window for which you want to backfill your digital twins.
2. Go to the Digital Twins TSI.
3. Select the required Digital twin definition.
You cannot apply backfilling to a single digital twin; backfilling applies to all digital twins belonging to the same definition.
4. Click the Backfill digital twin action.
The Enter values dialog box appears.
5. Select the Property whose digital twins require backfilling.
The Properties Reference field will only display buildings that have digital twins created using the selected Digital Twin definition.
6. Select the Start- and End date (this cannot exceed 24 hours).
You can only go back as far as 30 days, you cannot backfill older data.