Adding a suborder
While working (your work assignment is 'in progress'), you might find that additional work is required on the asset or space. In that case, you can immediately add a suborder to the work assignment's main order, in which this additional work is described. You can then have this additional work assigned to yourself, or leave the assigning to the back-office.
1. On the PMFS Live app , select the work assignment, for which you want to add a suborder.
The work assignment must have the status 'Work'.
2. At the top of the Summary page, select the plus icon to add a new suborder.
3. On the Add suborder details page > Standard order field, select the standard order on which the suborder must be based.
4. If you already know that you can pick up this suborder yourself, tick the Assign suborder? option.
In the Assign to field, your name is now filled in (read-only).
If it is still unclear who is going to do the work, do not tick this field. When left unassigned, the back-office can assign the suborder later.
5. Edit or fill in the fields Description, Property, Comment and add an Image as required.
6. Select Submit.
The suborder is sent to the back-office and added to the main order. If it is assigned to you, you will see it listed on the app upon refreshing your Work assignments start page. If it is unassigned, the back-office will take care of the subsequent assigning and processing.