Request forms web definitions
You can add and customize Request forms web definitions to your requirements, by setting page properties for the pages and configuring layouts for the blocks.
Requests forms are used in those Planon Live app modules where app users are allowed to submit service requests. For example My inventory, Reservations, Requests. If app users belong to a linked user group, they will see these forms upon tapping the Request button on the app. They can subsequently submit a service request, for example about their personal inventory, a meeting room, flexible workspace and so on. Service requests may include cleaning requests, incidents, catering requests, complaints etc.
A Request forms web definition consists of a Add form page and a Details page. These configurable pages include several blocks:
The Add form page consisting of 2 blocks: the Add form block and Upload block. These blocks allow app users to fill in a service request form and upload a photo. Add relevant fields to the Add form block.
If your organization has enabled the setting that the Requestor's field values for property and space should be automatically taken over to requests (in Field definer Orders Business object settings), you are advised not to use the Requestor field on the request form's Add form block. Use the Created by field instead. Thus you will prevent that the space and/ or property for which a requestor actually fills in and submits the request form, are automatically overwritten by the requestor's own property and space. After all, the property or space for which requestors want to report an issue are not necessarily their own building or office.
The Details page will display detailed information from a selected request form on the app.
A request form must be based on a standard order in Planon. In principle, the app will only display the request forms that are linked to the app user's user group. If no user groups are linked to a request form, the form will be available to all users.
You can provide more context for displaying the form, by using applicability filters on the standard order and thus making the form specific to an asset group, a space category or a user group.
A standard order that is linked to a Request forms web definition and that has applicability enabled for:
all or specific user groups -> will show the form if a linked user adds a request in the Requests module.
all or specific asset groups -> will show the form if a user adds a request for a linked asset in the My inventory module.
all or specific space categories -> will show the form if a user adds a request for a linked reservation unit in the Reservations module.
•     If you want to use selectors in mobile request forms, to make references from one business object to another, you can only use Mobile selectors and reference fields.
•    To learn more about standard orders and applicability filters, see Configuring standard orders for mobile requests.
•     For generic information about configuring PSS2-based web definitions, see the Web configuration user documentation in the WebHelp: Web Configuration - Overview.
•    For information about customizing a web definition in App Configuration see Planon App web definitions.