Configuring alternative booking options
If you want to offer extra booking options in addition to the two main booking actions, use the following procedure.
Prerequisite: create a relevant sub web definition and standard order for each extra booking option you require.
1. In App configuration > Bookings, select the main web definition.
2. At the lower web definition panel, select the Alternative options - block.
3. On the data panel, enter translations for the Alternative options, as required.
4. In the panel below, add an extra booking option, by clicking the plus button
5. Select the option to configure its booking flow.
6. On the Action properties panel, in the Booking flow web definition field, select the sub web definition you want to use for the extra booking option.
For example an 'asset-based' web definition, for an option to book office equipment; or a 'space unit-based' web definition for an option to book a classroom.
7. In the Icon field, select an appropriate icon for the booking option.
8. In the Label field, change the translations of the extra booking option as required.
9. Click Save.
10. Repeat this procedure for each additional option you need (the maximum is 9).
The extra booking options become available on the app's Bookings module, at the bottom of the start page.