Apps : Planon app : Mobile Configuration : Concepts : Web definitions, pages and blocks
Web definitions, pages and blocks
In Planon's App configuration, you use web definitions to configure modules for your mobile app. A web definition consists of several hierarchical items, such as pages and blocks, each with their own purpose.
Pages are used to configure a page title in various languages and make a setting to allow tailor-made (TMS) blocks / cards.
The following page types are available:
Start page - the container for one or more blocks used to display and search primary information on an item
Summary page - the container for one or more blocks used to display background information
Pages can include one or more blocks (sometimes also referred to as 'cards' because of their appearance on the app). Blocks are used to configure the actual fields and actions (buttons and so on). End users will use these to get information or submit data to a back-office environment.
The following generic, configurable block types are available:
Search block - allows app users to enter queries
List block - allows app users to view the results of a search
Details block - allows app users to view detailed information
Filter block - allows app users to apply filtering to a list
In addition, there are many module specific block types, such as the Favorites block on the Personnel web definition or the Facilities block on the Reservations web definition, for example.
User can be granted access to a module on the mobile app by linking their user group to the appropriate web definition. See Linking user groups to web definitions / granting access to modules for more information about granting access to a mobile app.