Improved features
Improved Features displays a list of pending new features that the customer can either immediately start using or postpone using until a specified deadline. During this time frame, customers can take action required to prepare for the implementation of the new feature.
Whenever the implementation deadline of an improved feature has passed and the feature is not switched on, Cloud customers will now be notified before upgrading to a newer version.
1. When opening the Planon application, Cloud customers may notice in the Environment Management gadget that an upgrade is available. When proceeding to upgrade their environment (Environment Management gadget > Danger zone tab > Upgrade to latest Cloud version) and they still have improved feature(s) pending to be activated, they will now receive a notification pop-up.
2. The pop-up lists the improved feature(s) whose implementation deadline has/have passed. Customers can then decide to Cancel or Continue with the upgrade.
You can manually activate the improved feature before upgrading by going to System Settings > Improved Features and activating the required feature(s). Subsequently, you can then resume the upgrade.
You are prompted to confirm starting the upgrade. After confirming, the upgrade will start and the pending improved feature(s) whose preparation deadline has/have passed will be activated.
For more information, see Improved Features.