Transforming data
Since data transformation works in two directions, the goal is twofold:
To be able to import data from a file whose contents is not compatible with Planon ProCenter .
To be able to export data from Planon ProCenter to a file.
Workers are a core concept in Planon ProCenter ’s Enterprise Talk. Default workers to support import/export are available. These default workers are enabled upon adding a document on Documents level.
If data in the data file to be imported is compatible with Planon ProCenter , no further data transformation is required, and you can use the default workers to import your data.
Most likely, the data in your file is not compatible with Planon ProCenter , and transformation is required to import the data. Planon ProCenter uses workers to perform data transformation. Here, you can add your own, customized workers.
If you want to export data from Planon ProCenter and no further data transformation is required, you can use the default workers to export your data.
To transform the data exported from Planon ProCenter , you can add workers to perform data transformation. Here, you can add the required workers in the appropriate order.
To be able to add your customized worker here, it must first be added to the server\default\deploy\bundle\planon folder
1. To add a worker, on the action menu, click Add and complete the fields. For a description of these fields, refer to Transforming data.
2. Click Save.