Application management : Tools : Enterprise Talk : Creating customized workers
Creating customized workers
You can sequentially perform various operations on the source data before the data is either imported into Planon ProCenter or exported from Planon ProCenter .
An XML file containing a set of main business objects has to be read and imported into Planon ProCenter .
An XSLT has to be applied on the entire file to make it an XML file that the worker reading the XML file understands.
The XML file has to be parsed and one main business object at a time needs to be extracted.
On the XML string, the date has to be transformed to match the Planon ProCenter application.
The name has to be split up into first name, last name, etc.
The string has to be converted to a POJO that is understood by Planon ProCenter .
These steps represent individual operations for which workers have to be created. Workers have to be given a sequence so that they can be executed in that order.
In this case, the following workers can be defined:
1. XSLT Transformation worker
2. XML Reader Worker
3. Date Transformer Worker
4. Name Splitter Worker
5. POJO Convertor Worker
6. Planon Writer Worker
(A custom worker is green).
Enterprise Talk supports XSLT 2.0 and uses Saxon transformer version Saxon-HE-9.6. This version also supports the ‘URI resolver’.
The chain of workers can change based on the requirement. The workers will be determined by the nature of the source of data and its format:
All workers are Java components that take in source data, process it and return an output. The output from one worker will be the input for the next worker in the chain. A set of workers that is created for a specific purpose is called a worker bundle.
Given the appropriate Java knowledge, customers can create their own worker bundles.
For technical information about creating workers, see the Java doc. In the Java doc, all instances of Data Import Export Manager should be read as Enterprise Talk. The Java doc is available from the installer. To extract it, run the installer and select Related components > Manual installation resources > Planon Software Development Kit. After extracting the resources, you will find the Java doc in:<your folder>/related_components/manual_installation_resources/sdk/ImportExportWorker/index-all.html