Export workers
This section lists the workers that can be applied to the export process.
The PlanonDataReaderWorker is used for exporting data from Planon ProCenter . It identifies the main business object and exports the required fields, associations and referenced business object details.
This worker reads a main business object as defined in the Enterprise Talk configuration, creates the POJO, and passes it back to the Worker Manager via the context.
A worker that writes the exported details from Planon ProCenter . It uses a STaX parser to write details into an XML file.
For a description of the parameters, refer to
FileXMLWriterWorker parameters.
If you need to export to a CSV file, the workers needed are:
• PlanonReaderWorker
• POJOToXMLStringWorker
• CSVWriterWorker
For a description of the parameters, refer to
CSV WriterWorker.
Parameter specification which can be used as a template.
# Main element name in the XML. If it is not specified here, it will be taken
# from the node name on the BO definition if there is only one, or it will
# default to "element".
# Should the CSV have a header? yes/no, or y/n, or true/false
# Default = yes, so if you don’t specify this parameter we generate a header.
# Names/order of the columns. Comma separated. Column names are case sensitive.
# This setting will determine the order and subset of columns that will be
# exported. If you don’t fill in this parameter, the order from the XML is used
# and all columns are exported.
# The delimiter symbol, default value is semicolon.
# Valid values are: ;/semicolon/semi and ,/comma and tab/\t and space/\s
# and any literal symbol, e.g: #
# Text qualifier symbol. Valid values are: '/apostrophe/apos and "/quote/quot
# What to do if the target file already exists. Only applicable for export.
# Valid values are: cancel/stop and replace/overwrite and new/create.
# new/create will create a new file with a timestamp added to the filename.
# Encoding to use if it could not be detected from a Unicode Byte Order Mark.
# Valid values are names and aliases from the Character Set Registry maintained
# Should the UTF-8 Byte Order Mark be written (if fileEncoding is utf-8).
# Valid values are: yes/no, or y/n, or true/false. Only applicable for export.
# Whether debug information should be logged for each imported/exported record.
# Valid values are: yes/no, or y/n, or true/false
This worker converts a POJO to an XML string and is used in exporting to CSV, see