CSV WriterWorker parameters
By default, the value of the main element will be taken from the BO definition, if there is only one BO. Otherwise, it is element, unless a name for this parameter is specified in the parameter section.
Specify a Yes or No for the CSV header. By default, the value is set to Yes. If this attribute is not specified, a header is created.
Names of the columns will be taken from the XML element tags. This setting will determine the order or you can specify the subset of the XML element tags. If this parameter is not entered, the order from XML is used and all elements are exported. The column names are case-sensitive.
The valid values for a delimiter are:
;semi-colon or semi
tab or \t
space or \s
or comma and any literal symbol. Semi-colon is the default value of the delimiter.
Valid values for a text qualifier are: ’ or apostrophe or apos and ” or quote or quot.
Possible values:
replace or overwrite
cancel or stop
new or create:
This will create a new file by using the file name and append it with a timestamp.
This BOM is written only if the file encoding is UTF-8. This indicates that the UTF-8 order mark should be written.
Specify true or false. Default is false. If set to true, a CSV file will be generated for each row. The name of each CSV will be equal to the name specified in the document data source with an extra underscore [_] and a sequence number added to the name.