Service providers : Customer Budgets : Working with... : Adding customer budget definitions
Adding customer budget definitions
A customer budget definition must be linked to a specific customer and one or more of their customer contract(s).
To add a customer budget definition with a relevant search scope and links that will refine the automatic detection of a budget, proceed as follows:
1. In the Customer budgets TSI, select the relevant customer and customer contract (line).
2. Go to the Customer budget definitions selection level.
3. On the action panel, click Add.
4. On the data panel, enter the required information.
For the field descriptions, see Customer budget definition fields.
The scope type you select for the budget definition in the Scope type field is essential for the rest of the procedure. Once saved it can no longer be changed.
5. Click Save.
6. On the action panel, select the Link contract lines link action.
7. In the dialog, select a date and modification type, to add the contract line links.
8. Select the relevant contract lines you want to link.
9. Next, select the relevant 'scope type related' links, on the action panel.
The 'scope type related' links available on the action panel depend on which type you selected in the Scope type field:
Link assets
Link asset groups
Link spaces
Link space categories
Link properties
Link location types
The action panel automatically displays link actions for scope types that are actually used. In other words: the links related to scope types become available when you select a corresponding scope type.
10. In the dialog, select a date and modification type, to add the links.
If relevant, use the available filter options:
All: This option is selected by default. It shows all existing records.
Applicable to contract lines: This option only shows assets, properties or spaces (whichever applies) that are linked to the contract lines of the budget definition.
11. Select the relevant items you want to link (for example assets, spaces, properties) and click OK.
12. Similarly, on the action panel, add any optional links (not scope type related):
Link cost centers
Link service agreement services
Link service levels
You have added a budget definition with a search scope and relevant links. Proceed with Adding customer budgets.
The links that you add to a customer budget definition are 'time aware', similar to links that are used for contract lines and service agreements. See Time aware links.
A customer budget definition should not have any overlaps in time and scope with existing customer budget definitions. So, when you add a new budget definition, it is recommended to run a scope overlap check. See: Running the 'Check for scope overlaps'.