Service providers : Customer Budgets : Field descriptions : Customer budget definition fields
Customer budget definition fields
Actual end date
Enter the actual end date of the customer budget definition.
Actual start date
Enter the actual start date of the customer budget definition.
Allow recurring budgets?
Specify if you want to allow multiple, recurring budgets to be created on this budget definition, or not.
If you select Yes, you can add multiple budgets to the budget definition. In that case it is mandatory to fill in a start date and end date on the budgets. The start and end dates of the different budgets must not overlap.
If you select No, you can only add one budget. In that case, the budget does not require an end date.
Behavior at exceeded threshold
Select the relevant type of budget calculation to be applied when a set threshold amount is exceeded:
1. Subtract complete amount from budget - basically, with this setting, no threshold applies.
2. Do not subtract complete amount from budget - the whole amount has to be invoiced separately and is not subtracted from the budget.
Option 1 is the default value.
Budget manager
Select the responsible budget manager. This field is subject to the life cycles of the budget definition, implying its value can change over time (per life cycle).
Enter a unique code for the customer budget definition.
Displays the name of the customer to whom the budget definition is linked.
End date
Displays the date when the current life cycle of the customer budget definition ended.
Enter a name for the customer budget definition.
Scope type
Select a relevant scope type for the corresponding customer budget definition. See Scopes types for more information.
Start date
Displays the date when the current life cycle of the customer budget definition started.
Applicability of revenue types
Applicability fields are subject to the life cycles of the budget definition. This means that it is possible to change the values over time (per life cycle).
General revenues applicable?
Select Yes if general revenues should be used as search criterion in the budget detection on Order revenue lines, Customer quotation lines and Revenue estimation lines. Select No if they should not.
Labor hour revenues applicable?
Select Yes if labor hour revenues should be used as search criterion in the budget detection on Order revenue lines, Customer quotation lines and Revenue estimation lines. Select No if they should not.
Materials revenues applicable?
Select Yes if materials revenues should be used as search criterion in the budget detection on Order revenue lines, Customer quotation lines and Revenue estimation lines. Select No if they should not.
Subcontractor revenues applicable?
Select Yes if subcontractor revenues should be used as search criterion in the budget detection on Order revenue lines, Customer quotation lines and Revenue estimation lines. Select No if they should not.
Travel revenues applicable?
Select Yes if travel revenues should be used as search criterion in the budget detection on Order revenue lines, Customer quotation lines and Revenue estimation lines. Select No if they should not.
Threshold amount settings (optional)
Threshold amount fields are subject to the life cycles of the budget definition. This means that it is possible to change the values over time (per life cycle).
Threshold amount for general revenues
If relevant for the selected order, enter the amount that will be the threshold for the general revenues on the order (including the suborders). If you update this or any of the other specific threshold amount fields, the Threshold amount for Overall revenues field will be cleared.
Threshold amount for labor hour revenues
If relevant for the selected order, enter the amount that should serve as the threshold for any labor hour revenues on the order (including the suborders). If you update this or any of the other specific threshold amount fields, the Threshold amount for Overall revenues field will be cleared.
Threshold amount for materials revenues
If relevant for the selected order, enter the amount that should serve as the threshold for any materials revenues on the order (including the suborders). If you update this or any of the other specific threshold amount fields, the Threshold amount for Overall revenues field will be cleared.
Threshold amount for subcontractor revenues
If relevant for the selected order, enter the amount that should serve as the threshold for any subcontractor revenues on the order (including the suborders). If you update this or any of the other specific threshold amount fields, the Threshold amount for Overall revenues field will be cleared.
Threshold amount for travel revenues
If relevant for the selected order, enter the amount that should serve as the threshold for any travel revenues on the order (including the suborders). If you update this or any of the other specific threshold amount fields, the Threshold amount for Overall revenues field will be cleared.
Threshold amount for Overall revenues
Enter the amount that will be the threshold for the overall revenues on the order (including the suborders). If you update this field, all specific threshold amount fields will be cleared.