Service providers : Customer Budgets : Concepts : Customer budget definitions
Customer budget definitions
Customer budget definitions are used to register specific settings for one or multiple budgets. When you add a budget definition, you must link it to a specific customer and one or more customer contract(s). Budget definitions are 'life cycle aware' business objects. See Adding customer budget definitions for the procedure. The customer budget definitions need not have a fixed end date and can remain active for multiple years. Any budgets that you create for a customer budget definition must fall within the budget definition's start date and end date (if specified).
If you allow multiple, recurring budgets under a budget definition, these budgets cannot overlap in time and must have the same scope type.
A budget definition is characterized by its scope type. The scope type plays an essential part in the process of automatically detecting the right budget when the back-office creates an order for a customer.
It is recommended to create user-defined business objects and corresponding user-defined statuses for customer budget definitions in Field definer .
Customer budget definitions can have the following statuses:
Useful facts about these statuses:
A customer budget definition can only be deleted or changed if it has the Initial status.
If you change the status of a Customer budget definition from Initial to Active, all linked budgets' statuses are also changed to Active.
In order to set the status to Closed, you must first set all the linked budgets to Closed.