Booking rooms
Room availability is determined by Planon ProCenter. When an Exchange appointment is sent, Planon ProCenter will try to create a reservation in the Planon ProCenter database. The meeting organizer will always receive an accept notification to inform him/her that the meeting request is being processed. Subsequently, the meeting organizer will either receive:
A confirmation mail: the reservation unit is booked.
A decline mail: booking the reservation unit has failed.
When creating a meeting in Outlook, the Requestor field will be populated with the person linked to the organizer account. If the meeting request is created on behalf of the requestor, the organizer’s name is populated in the Booked by field and the mail notifications are received by both persons.
The meeting organizer corresponds to the mailbox in which the meeting is created, i.e. the Organizer email address in the Exchange appointment. The user who actually organized the meeting (which can be in another mailbox) is provided by the Sender email address in the Exchange appointment and will be updated in the Booked by field.
All room mailboxes have a unique e-mail address in Exchange. If the reservation unit is available in Planon ProCenter, the room mailbox will accept the appointment by sending a confirmation mail to the meeting organizer.
In Planon ProCenter, if available, a reservation will be created for the corresponding reservation unit.
If the resource is not available in Planon ProCenter, the room mailbox will decline the appointment by sending a decline notification to the meeting organizer.
In order to accept or decline room invitations by Planon ProCenter, a subscription for changes to the room mailbox is required.
It is not allowed to create, change or cancel meetings directly in the room mailbox as this will not be carried through in Planon. As a result Planon and Exchange will no longer be in sync. Meetings should only be created, changed or canceled in the mailbox of the organizer.