Configure Planon ProCenter
The following flow chart displays all the steps that have to be taken in the configuration of Planon ProCenter for Connect for Calendars (C4C).
Configure User Groups and Users
The following flow chart depicts a list of actions to be performed to correctly configure User groups and Users for C4C.
Create C4C Admin Group & C4C Admin User
1. Create a new User group: C4C Admins and create a new User linked to that User group: C4C Admin.
2. Make sure that the User Group has similar rights as the User group System Administrators.
3. Generate an access key for the C4C admin account.
Link product definitions
C4C requires that User groups (or account groups) involved in reservation management are linked to certain product definitions.
The following table provides an overview of the product definitions and to which type of User group they need to be linked.
Product Definition | User Group | Reason |
EnterpriseServiceAPI | C4C Admins | This product definition is required by the C4C app such that it can use the PaaP API. |
EventConnector | All Reservation Management related User Groups including the C4C Admins | This product definition is required so that the C4C app and C4C can use the Event Connector when an Event or a Reservation has to be synchronized. |
JSONServices | C4C Admins | This product definition is required by the C4C app so that it can use the PaaP API. |
Scheduler | C4C Admins | This product definition is required by the C4C app for Microsoft Graph API as it provides two scheduled tasks for subscription and recovery. |
PPWeb | All Reservation Management related User Groups including the C4C Admins | This product definition allows a User to use the Task Specific Interfaces (TSIs) in the Web client. |
PSS2 | All Reservation Management related User Groups including the C4C Admins | This product definition allows a User to use the Reservation Wizard. |
Provide contact's email address for each user
Provide a Contact's Email Address for each User (including the C4C Admin). This email address will be used by C4C to send notifications to a User about the status of synchronizing an Event and a Reservation.
If errors occur during synchronization, a notification will be sent to the C4C Admin.
Configuring notifications
There are three options for Connect for Calendars reporting:
• Do not configure Connect for Calendars reporting: Connect for Calendars will use default templates to send emails to a user about the status of the Reservation and the outcome of an action on the reservation;
• Configure simple templates on a C4C app Connection: The C4C app Connection has fields that allow one to provide simple templates. When provided, then this template will be used instead of the system’s default template;
• Configure templates, use them in a Report definition on Connect for Calendars Mail Report, create event-based notifications and link them to the appropriate external reservation unit;
Report selection process at runtime.
Default email templates
The product comes with default email templates that cannot be modified.
The default email templates have the look-and-feel as displayed below.
Format of default email sent by Connect for Calendars.
Simple email templates
The C4C app Connection has fields that allow you to create a simple email template.
The placeholders in this template should match the PnName (System name) of a field in the business object Connect for Calendars Mail Report. The following code-snippet displays a simple template.
| Note that the placeholders are surrounded by ‘[' and ‘]’. In addition, you can reference every field on a Reservation and Reservation Unit by using ‘[Reservation.<PNNAME OF FIELD>]’ and '[ReservationUnit.<PNNAME OF FIELD>]’ respectively. |
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="en-GB">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>
<meta name="x-apple-disable-message-reformatting"/>
<body style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">
<h1 class="webfont h1" style="font-size: 36px; font-weight: 300; line-height: 100%; margin: 0 0 16px;">
<h3 class="h3" style="color: #232323; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 400; margin: 0 0 8px;">
<p style="color: #888888; margin: 0;">[CalendarItemSubject] ([Reservation.OrderNumber])</p>
<h3 class="h3" style="color: #232323; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 400; margin: 0 0 8px;">
<p style="color: #888888; margin: 0;">[ReservationUnit.Name] ([CalendarItemResourceIdentifier])<br></p>
<h3 class="h3" style="color: #232323; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 400; margin: 0 0 8px;">
<p style="color: #888888; margin: 0;">
<b>[CalendarItemStartDateTime]</b><br> <span>-</span></br> <b>[CalendarItemEndDateTime]</b><br>
<h3 class="h3" style="color: #232323; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 400; margin: 0 0 8px;">
<p style="color: #888888; margin: 0;">
Simple Notification template
Email template, report definition and event-based notification definition
Using your own custom mail templates requires further configuration. You can create Report definitions for each type of email that is sent by Connect for Calendars in the regular way that reports are being defined. This requires you to upload the mail templates to Planon’s WebDAV location for templates.
In addition, you must define a Recipients report on the business object Connect for Calendars Mail report. This report is used by the Event-based notification to determine the addressees to which an email should be sent.
Next you must define Event-based notification definitions for each type of email for which a report definition is constructed.
An External reservation unit has several fields that reference an Event-based notification definition related to the type of email that is to be sent.
Configuring Connect for Calendars Mail Reports
1. Open a browser and navigate to the Planon Web client
2. Navigate to the TSI C4C Mail reports
3. On the level C4C Mail Reports click the Report button and add a new report for each of the following email types:
◦ ACCEPTED: The Reservation’s status is REQUESTED/MADE/COMPLETED
◦ CANCELLED: The Reservation’s status is CANCELLED
◦ CHANGED: The Reservation’s details have changed
◦ DECLINED: The Reservation could not be made
◦ DELETED: The Reservation is deleted
◦ EXCEPTION: There was an exception in the synchronization process of a Reservation;
◦ TENTATIVELY ACCEPTED: The Reservation’s status is IN OPTION
Configuring a Recipients report
4. On the Connect for Calendars mail reports level click the Report button and add a new report for a generic recipient report.
This recipient report requires at least two fields ID and To. Optional are CC and BCC.
◦ The ID field is the Syscode field of the C4C Mail Report;
◦ The To field is an expression that consists of the To field of the Connect for Calendars Mail Report.
Configuring an Event-based Notification
5. Navigate to the TSI Alerts and select the step Event-based notifications.
6. Click Add to create a new Event-based notification.
7. Configure the following fields of this Event-based notification:
a. Code: Provide a recognizable code for the event-based notification.
b. Description: Provide a description for the event-based notification.
c. Alert Condition: Create a new condition, select the BO Connect for Calendars mail report and add the condition that the To field should contain a value.
d. Mail template: Select a Report definition created on the Connect for Calendars mail report.
e. Recipient Report: Select the Recipient report definition created on the C4C mail report.
f. Schedule: Define a schedule for this Event-based notification (for example, it should run every 5 minutes).
8. Set the status of the event-based notification to Active.
Configuring the notifications for an External reservation unit
9. Navigate to the TSI Connect for Calendars – processing.
10. Drill-down to the level Accounts & reservation units and select the step External reservation units.
11. Select the External reservation unit that needs to be configured.
12. Set the reference to the Event-based notification definition on the appropriate fields.
Including a link to the reservation wizard
In confirmations sent to the organizer you can include a link to the reservation wizard overview page.
To make this possible, you need to enable a setting and adapt your mail merge report for confirmations.
1. Go to Self-Service modules > Reservations.
2. Select a Reservation wizard (if not already present, create one).
3. Set the field Allow access from Connect for Outlook to Yes
4. Save the configuration of the Reservation wizard.
5. In your mail merge that you send out as confirmation include an expression such as the following:
<a href="<https://your reservation wizard URL/case/BP/B001>?action=InitialMM4OAction&PK=" + formatNumeric('Connect for Calendar – mail reports'.Reservation.'System code', "###############")>Click here</a>
| Replace the URL in bold in between and including the angle brackets with your reservation wizard URL. |
Install & configure C4C app for Microsoft Graph API
Prior to installing the C4C-App you should get its license from the Planon License Desk.
Once the license for the C4C-App for Microsoft Graph API has been acquired you can add it through the TSI - AppCenter.
Adding the license through the AppCenter will cause Planon to download and install the C4C-App from the Planon Marketplace.
1. Acquire the license for the C4C app for Microsoft Graph API.
2. Navigate to the TSI AppCenter.
3. Click Add License and provide the license acquired.
| This will cause Planon ProCenter to download & install the latest version of the C4C app for Microsoft Graph API compatible for the version of the Planon ProCenter environment. |
4. Click Configure.
The C4C-App will be in the status Configuration.
5. Click Link App User Group and select the C4C Admin user's user group.
6. Drill-down to the Level Apps > Modules > Details and select the step Module Settings.
7. Select the module c4cappgraph.
8. Provide the following settings:
◦ Access Key: The generated access key for the C4C Admin User.
◦ Notification URL: The URL that Exchange will use to send notifications to the C4C app is:
https://<your Planon environment>/sdk/platform/jaxrs/planonsoftware/com/c4cappgraph/c4cappgraphrest/rest/notification
◦ Subscription Duration: The C4C app for Microsoft Graph API uses the subscription model of Office365 to get notified about events it is interested in for the resources (rooms or equipment) it monitors.
Office365 offers a subscription to last for 4230 minutes, which corresponds to nearly three days. The C4C app allows a subscription duration between 5 minutes and 4230 minutes.
If no subscription duration is provided through the app module settings, the default subscription duration is 6 hours. It is recommended to use 120 minutes as the subscription duration.
◦ (Follows only!) Event Recovery days past: This value is used in the recovery task and determines the start date of the period for which Events are retrieved from a resource's calendar (now - days past = start date).
◦ (Follows only!) Event Recovery days future: This value is used in the recovery task and determines the end date of the period for which Events are retrieved from a resource's calendar (now + days future = end date).
Configure C4C linking objects
External Account
An external account links an account in Planon ProCenter to an account in the third-party reservation management system. The account of the third-party reservation management system will be linked through an account identifier, which depends on the related C4C app (e.g. the C4C app for a Microsoft Graph API requires an account identifier to be the email address of an user in Exchange).
External Reservation Unit
An external reservation unit links a reservation unit in Planon ProCenter to a resource in the third-party reservation management system. The resource of the third-party reservation management system will be linked through a resource identifier, which depends on the related C4C app (e.g. the C4C app for Microsoft Graph API requires the resource identifier to be the email address of the resource in Exchange).
External Reservation / Non-Bookable Period
An external reservation links a reservation in Planon ProCenter to an event in the Calendar of the corresponding resource in the third-party reservation management system, whereas an external non-bookable period links a (virtual) occurrence of a non-bookable period to an event in the calendar of the corresponding resource.
Configure C4C app connection
1. Navigate to the TSI C4C-App Connection.
2. Click Add to create a new C4C-App Connection.
3. Provide a Name.
4. Provide a Synchronization behavior (In-the-Lead or Follows) for the C4C-App Connection.
5. Configure the account that is used as C4C Administrator. This account will receive the notifications of the type EXCEPTION, when there is a problem in the synchronization.
6. Select the Classname belonging to the installed C4C-App's implementation of the Calendar item processor.
7. Provide the settings for the Calendar item processor. For the C4C-App for Microsoft Graph API these are:
a. Authentication-related:
- Tenant ID: The Tenant ID for which the app was registered in Azure AD.
- Client ID: The Client ID of the app registered in Azure AD.
- Client Credential Type: SECRET (default) or CERTIFICATE
- Client Secret: Use SECRET as the Client Credential Type and provide the Client Secret of the App registered in Azure AD.
| The Client Secret will be removed from the C4C-App's Calendar Item Processor settings in L116 as the field Password has been introduced with L104. |
- Client Certificate PEM: Use CERTIFICATE as the Client Credential Type and provide the contents of the PEM file that was generated by the customer.
- Use proxy (Y/N): Indication whether the C4C-App should set up a connection to O365 through a proxy. If enabled, then it will use the values provided in proxy host name and proxy host port.
- Proxy host name: The Use Proxy setting has to be configured as Yes for this property to be taken into account. The host name of the proxy to be used.
- Proxy host port: The Use Proxy setting has to be configured as Yes for this property to be taken into account. The port number of the proxy to be used (defaults to port number 3128).
b. Synchronization-related
- Send Outbound Invitation (Y/N): Indication whether C4C should add the organizer as an attendee to the event that is created in a Room resource for an outbound synchronization. Adding an attendee to the event will cause Exchange to send an invite to that attendee.
- Add Virtual Meeting (Y/N): Indication whether C4C should ask Exchange to create a Virtual Meeting when a Reservation gets synchronized to Exchange.
On Orders, a field of type URL will be used to save the virtual meeting.
- Take over Virtual Meeting (Y/N): Indication whether the synchronization should take over an existing Virtual Meeting URL from the Reservation to the Event in Exchange (multi-tenant feature).
- Prevent inbound decline (Y/N): Indication whether the C4C-App should decline the inbound synchronization of an Event in case no Reservation could be created for it. This setting is usefull in the “true”-FOLLOWS scenario and when performing a dry-run of a C4C Onboarding scenario.
- Delete original subject: Deletes the original subject when enabled (if Append Organizer to Subject is not enabled, then the subject will be replaced by a translation of No subject)
- Append Organizer to Subject: Adds either the name (inbound sync) or email address (outbound sync) to the subject.
8. (Optional) Configure a password (can be used instead of the Client Secret).
9. Configure the notification behavior:
◦ Notification Behavior: Configure who should receive the notification: No notifications, Booker, Organizer or Booker and Organizer
◦ Use User's Sender's email address (Y/N): Configure whether Planon should use the sender's email address of the User if applicable (default: Yes).
◦ Separate notifications for occurrences (Y/N): Configure whether Planon should send separate notifications for occurrences or one notification for the recurrent Meeting (default: No).
11. Save the C4C-App Connection.
12. Perform a status transition to the status ACTIVATED (for the C4C-App for Microsoft Graph API this will trigger a subscription process for each External reservation unit that is active and belongs to the activated C4C-App connection).
Configure external accounts
Take the following steps to configure the external accounts for a C4C app connection.
1. Navigate to the TSI Enterprise Talk (PEET).
2. Import PEET definition C4C-ONB-EA.
3. Select the imported PEET definition and drill-down to the level Documents and select the document C4C-ONB-IMP-EA1.
4. Navigate to the step Business Objects and select the business object related to External Accounts.
5. Select the field definition C4CAppConnectionRef, which is the reference to a C4C app connection.
6. Configure the default value for this to be the C4C app Connection that was created in the previous step.
7. Go back to the level Definitions and run the PEET definition C4C-ONB-EA.
8. After the run is completed you can go to the TSI C4C Processing, to the step External Accounts to verify the result.
Configure external accounts - without Enterprise Talk definition
If you do not want to run the PEET definition, then you can also add an External Account by taking the following steps.
1. Navigate to the TSI, C4C Processing.
2. Go to the step External Accounts.
3. Click Add to create a new External account.
4. Provide the following details:
◦ Account Identifier: the identifier for the user, which is used by the installed C4C app (e.g. the C4C app for Microsoft Graph API requires this to be the email address of the user)
◦ Account: The account in Planon ProCenter to which the user should be linked
◦ C4C app connection: The C4C app connection for which this External Account is active
◦ Is primary?: Whether the External Account should be used as the primary External Account in an outbound synchronization
5. Save the External Account.
Configure external reservation units
Take the following steps to configure an external reservation unit.
1. Navigate to the TSI, C4C processing.
2. Go to the step External Reservation Units.
3. Click Add to create a new external reservation unit.
4. Provide the following details:
◦ Resource Identifier: The identifier for the resource, which is used by the installed C4C app (e.g. the C4C app for Microsoft Graph API requires this to be the email address of the resource).
◦ Reservation Unit: A reservation unit in Planon ProCenter to which the resource should be linked.
The reservation unit must reference a Standard Order or a Standard Order has been configured in Order Settings.
◦ Is production mailbox?: Indicates whether the External Reservation Unit will be used depending on the Planon environment.
If you want to use it in a Production environment, this setting has to be set to Yes.
If you want to use it in a non-Production environment, it has to be set to No.
Reason: After mirroring your data from a Production environment to a non-Production environment, you don’t want the non-Production environment to interfere with synchronizations.
◦ C4C app connection: The C4C app connection for which this external reservation unit is active.
◦ (Optional) Provide a PSS URL to the Reservation Wizard that is to be used for the related Reservation unit (make sure that the Reservation Wizard accepts incoming requests of this type). The format of the URL would be:
<URL to the Reservation Wizard>?action=InitialMM4OAction&PK=[#OID]
◦ Provide a user status for a reservation's status corresponding with an event being CANCELED.
◦ (Optional) Provide a user status for a reservation's state corresponding with an event being ACCEPTED.
◦ (Optional) Provide a user status for a reservation's state corresponding with an event being TENTATIVELY ACCEPTED.
◦ (Optional) Provide links to Event-Based Notifications for the notifications sent by C4C upon a synchronization action (e.g. Accept, Decline, Cancel, etc.).
5. Save the External reservation unit.
6. Change status to ACTIVATED.
For the C4C-App for Microsoft Graph API this will trigger a subscription process for the involved resource.
After a subscription attempt, the field App - custom field will show the outcome of the subscription).
Configure C4C scheduled tasks
The following diagram shows a series of scheduled tasks related to C4C that have to be configured.
There are system scheduled tasks that come with the product C4C and there are user scheduled tasks that come with the C4C app for Microsoft Graph API.
Configure system scheduled tasks for C4C
The product C4C has three System Scheduled Tasks that can be configured in a similar way. Follow the steps below to configure the task.
1. Navigate to the TSI Scheduled Tasks and step Scheduled Tasks.
2. Select one of the following System Scheduled Tasks.
◦ Remove obsolete External Reservations & External Non-Bookable Periods (including C4C Processing Items).
◦ Archive External Reservations (including C4C Processing Items) that are successfully synchronized and for which the start date/time of the reservation is 30 days ago.
◦ Remove C4C Mail Reports that are older than 7 days.
3. Select and configure the frequency of the task.
◦ Remove obsolete External Reservations: each day
◦ Archive External Reservations: each week
◦ Remove C4C Mail Reports: each week
4. Save the task.
5. Activate the task.
Configure user scheduled tasks for C4C
Prior to the configuration, you must check the configuration of the existing system scheduled task Task User Extension, which has to be configured correctly for the task user extensions.
| This task needs to run every 5 minutes. |
The C4C app for Microsoft Graph API provides two Task User Extensions that can be configured in a similar way. Follow the steps below to configure the tasks.
1. Navigate to the TSI Scheduled Tasks and step Task User Extensions.
2. Click Add to create a new task.
3. Provide a Code for the task (e.g. C4C-SUB for the Subscription Task).
4. Select a Classname:
◦ C4C Subscription: This Task User Extension will periodically create and patch subscriptions for resources that are linked to active External Reservation Units.
◦ C4C Recovery: This Task User Extension will periodically recover Events and Reservations. This behavior of this recovery depends on the synchronization behavior of the C4C app connection.
| There will only be five recovery attempts for an external reservation. After five attempts, inbound events will be declined. Outbound events remain as is and can be followed up. After resolving the issue, you can click Reset recovery attempts on the external reservation after which recovery will be re-attempted. |
5. Select the C4C Admin User for the field User.
6. Select the and configure the frequency of the task.
◦ C4C Subscription: This depends on the number of External Reservation Units configured and when one run of subscription completes for them. If this is less than 110 minutes, then put 110 minutes.
◦ C4C Recovery: This depends on the synchronization behavior of the C4C app connection and the number of External Reservation Units configured.
For Synchronization Behavior In-the-Lead: 4 hours (as it only needs to synchronize pending Event Messages).
For Synchronization Behavior Follows: 12 hours (as it needs to synchronize all events in the calendar of the resource for a period bounded by the C4C app module settings configuration for recovery number of days past and future).
7. Provide a start date/time (in the future).
8. Save the task.
9. Activate the task.
Notification templates
This section describes the configuration of notification templates for Connect for Calendars (C4C).
There are three types of notification templates:
• Hard-coded templates
| Ask your Planon account manager for these hard coded templates. These can be used as a basis for customer-specific templates. |
• Customer-specific templates based on the hard-coded templates
• Customer-specific templates related to a Report for the C4C Mail Report
In general there are two main templates:
• A template to notify about a single Reservation
• A template to notify about a recurrent Reservation
Single reservation template
The template for a single reservation can have two optional parts:
• Failure-part: part that describes the failure reason when the synchronization between Planon and the third-party reservation management system failed
• PSS URL-part: Part that provides a link to the reservation in the Reservation Wizard. The link is constructed by taking the configured PSS URL on the External reservation unit.
The notification template for a single reservation follows the structure below:
• Header background image
• Title banner
• Reservation details
• (Optional) Failure Reason
• (Optional) PSS URL
• Company Logo
Recurrent reservation template
The template for a recurrent reservation has a required Occurrence-part for each occurrence in the recurrence. And each occurrence can have the same optional parts a single reservation.
The notification template for a recurrent reservation follows the structure below:
• Header background image
• Title banner
• Basic Reservation details
• Occurrence
◦ Occurrence details
◦ (Optional) Failure Reason
◦ (Optional) PSS URL
• Company Logo
Template modification
The hard-coded templates can be influenced by configuration on the C4C-App Connection's Notifications tab.
Header background image
You can provide a different background image for the header. This image will be sized to a height of 175px and full-width (so the image may get stretched). Ideally, the background image should have width of 600px.
Title background color
You can configure colors that will be used as the background color of the title banner of the email. The title's text has the color white by default, hence the advice is not to use bright (pastel-like) colors otherwise the title might become unreadable. Depending on the synchronization type and outcome, you can define colors for the following:
• Base
• Accept
• Tentatively Accept
• Decline
• Changed
• Canceled
• Deleted
• Exception
Company Logo
You can also modify the template's background image and company logo.
How to make a customer-specific template?
This section describes how you can modify notification templates.
1. Get the hard-coded templates via your Planon consultant and open your favorite text-editor/mail-template editor OR build a new template from scratch.
2. The template must implement certain place holders for images, colors, labels and data. Overview of these place holders:
Place Holder | Type | Usage |
TemplateLogo | Style | The logo to be displayed at the bottom of the email |
TemplateBackgroundImage | Style | The image to be displayed in the header of the email |
TemplateColorBase | Style | Base color for the template |
TemplateColor | Style | Indicates the color belonging to the state of the Reservation |
TemplateTitle | Label | Will be used as the <title/> of the HTML of the email |
TemplateHeader | Label | Will be used in the title banner of the email |
MailMeeting | Label | Will be used as the section header for Meeting details |
MailLocation | Label | Will be used as the section header for Location details |
MailWho | Label | Will be used as the section header for Organizer/Booker details |
MailWhen | Label | Will be used as the section header for the moment of the Reservation |
MailOrganizer | Label | Will be used as label in front of the Organizer |
MailBooker | Label | Will be used as label in front of the Booker |
MailOccurrences | Label | Will be used as the section header for the list of Occurrences |
MailReservationNumber | Data | The Order Number of the Reservation in Planon |
MailReservationStatus | Data | The status of the Reservation in Planon |
CalendarItemIdentifier | Data | Will take the data of the field Calendar Item Identifier of the C4C Mail Report |
CalendarItemMasterIdentifier | Data | Will take the data of the field Master Calendar Item Identifier of the C4C Mail Report |
CalendarItemResourceIdentifier | Data | Will take the data of the field Resource Identifier of the C4C Mail Report |
CalendarItemSubject | Data | Will take the data of the field Subject of the C4C Mail Report |
CalendarItemStartDateTime | Data | Will take the data of the field Start date/time of the C4C Mail Report |
CalendarItemEndDateTime | Data | Will take the data of the field End date/time of the C4C Mail Report |
CalendarItemOrganizerAccountIdentifier | Data | Will take the data of the field Organizer Account Identifier of the C4C Mail Report |
CalendarItemBookerAccountIdentifier | Data | Will take the data of the field Booker Account Identifier of the C4C Mail Report |
CalendarItemStatus | Data | Will take the data of the field Calendar Item Status of the C4C Mail Report |
Reservation. | Prefix | Prefix to be used in combination with a field of the referenced Reservation (e.g. Reservation.OrderNumber) |
ReservationUnit. | Prefix | Prefix to be used in combination with a field of the referenced Reservation Unit (e.g. ReservationUnit.Code) |
TemplateFailureMessage | Data | Will take the data of the field failure reason of the C4C Mail Report |
TemplateFailureTitle | Label | Text to be displayed to introduce the failure reason |
OccurrenceFailureMessage | Data | Will take the data of the field failure reason of the C4C Mail Report |
OccurrenceFailureTitle | Label | Text to be displayed to introduce the failure reason |
OccurrenceFailure | Section | This section marker gets replaced by the Failure Message notification-part for the Occurrence |
OccurrencePSS | Section | This section marker gets replaced by the PSS notification-part for the Occurrence |
OccurrenceColor | Style | Indicates the color belonging to the state of the Occurrence |
TemplatePSSLinkURL | Data | Will take the data of the field PSS URL of the C4C Mail Report |
OccurrencePSSLinkURL | Data | Will take the data of the field PSS URL of the C4C Mail Report for the Occurrence |
TemplatePSSTitle | Label | Text to be displayed to introduce the PSS Link |
TemplatePSSLinkTitle | Label | Text to be displayed instead of the link |
OccurrencePSSTitle | Label | Text to be displayed to introduce the PSS Link for the Occurrence |
OccurrencePSSLinkTitle | Label | Text to be displayed instead of the link for the Occurrence |
Occurrences | Section | This section marker gets replaced by the Occurrence-parts for the Recurrent Meeting |
TemplateFailure | Section | This section marker gets replaced by the Failure Message notification-part |
TemplatePSS | Section | This section marker gets replaced by the PSS notification-part |
3. A place holder must be enclosed with square brackets [...]’. Example usage of a place holder:
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="es-header" width="100%"
style="mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px; width: 100%; table-layout:
fixed !important;">
<td align="center" bgcolor="[TemplateColor]"
style="padding: 0px; margin: 0; width: 100%; background: [TemplateColor]; background: linear-gradient(90deg,
[TemplateColor], 40%, [TemplateColorBase] 100%)">
<table class="es-header-body" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="mso-table-lspace: 0pt;
mso-table-rspace: 0pt; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px; table-layout:fixed !important;
background-color:transparent; background-repeat:repeat;background-position:center top; width: 600px">
<td class="es-m-p10b" align="center" style="padding: 10px 0; margin: 0;">
<h1 style="margin: 0; font-family: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 36px; font-weight: 400; color: #FFFFFF">
<p style="margin: 0; mso-line-height-rule: exactly; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont,
'Segoe UI', Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol';
line-height: 21px; letter-spacing: 0; color: #402218; font-size: 14px; display: none">
Customer-specific notification templates based on a C4C Mail Report
A third way to configure notifications is to generate a report for one or more synchronization outcomes and recipient report based on the C4C Mail report and configure
Event-based notifications, which have to be referenced by the External Reservation Unit.
| Event-based notifications are sent with a configured frequency interval as defined with the scheduled task for event-based notifications. |