Remapping user-defined free BOs
When enabled, you can remap the fields of a free user-defined BO during import into alternative fields of the same Free BO.
1. In this screen, select the Target: User defined BO for the Source: User defined BO.
2. Select the system BO; the available fields will be shown under Source: User defined BO.
3. For each Source: User defined BO field, you can see the allowed alternative fields for remapping under Target: User defined BO
Remapping of UDBO is possible only if the UDBOs in the source and target fields are the same system Free BO.
4. If the target field does not contain any free UDBO, you can set the default value to No UDBO available, the system will create it.
Before importing, you can create the free UDBO in the target field with the same system name of the source . When you do so, it is your responsibility to keep the UDBO field empty. This UDBO field can then be used for remapping.
Import wizard mapping screen.Import wizard mapping screen.
5. Click Next.
Make sure that all UDBO fields are remapped, or an error message is displayed.